Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Did You Know - Nathan's Hot Dog's Edition

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Nathan’s

1. The super-duper-secret seasoning recipe hasn’t changed since 1916 
  • Nathan’s original recipe -- and we mean ORIGINAL original, like from Nathan Handwerker’s wife Ida’s grandma -- is the exact same one they used starting at the original restaurant stand at the corner of Surf and Stillwell Avenues 99 years ago, which means when you bite into a Nathan’s Famous, you’re not only tasting America, but you are ingesting history.
Complete list (

The Story's Probably Fake, But You Kinda Hope It's Wasn't

Update: Tiger’s agent says the Enquirer/Radar report is a “complete lie and fabrication.”

The National Enquirer revealed a major bombshell about Tiger Woods cheating with Jason Dufner’s ex-wife, Amanda Boyd, according to an early morning report from Radar Online. “Even though Tiger dated Lindsey for years, he had a ‘thing’ for Amanda,” a source told The ENQUIRER. “At first, it was just innocent flirting, but earlier this year it became serious.”


Useless Info - Putters Edition

Tips for purchasing a new putter

The first suggestion is knowing what type of putting stroke the golfers uses, whatever is natural. It can be straight back and straight through; it can have a small arc like Dave Stockton teaches or a much wider arc like Ben Crenshaw used.

Harris' next piece of advice certainly can't be measured by lasers. And it goes a little against the grain, but he has years of experience selling clubs. His second piece of advice for picking a putter is rather simple.

Choose something that looks good to the player. As Jerry Rice, possibly the greatest football player of all time, once said in a roundabout way, "You have to look good to play good."

Choose something that fits the eye, whether it's a blade, a mallet or something that looks like a spaceship prop in a 1980s movie. Look good, feel good, putt good.

The length, weight and balance point of a putter are up for personal preference. It makes sense for a taller player to like a longer putter, but that's not always the case. Phil Mickelson is 6-foot-3 and typically uses a 31-inch putter. That's on the short end of the putter spectrum.




Damn, Joe Rogan

The Dukes Of Hazzard was about a lot more than just that shitty paint job on one of the most beautiful muscle cars the good lord ever inspired man to create, it was about tradition. That show started the tradition of the most iconic piece of clothing our nation ever produced; The Daisy Duke shorts. Those shorts were the real flag - a flag of identification and empowerment for gay men and sluts all over the world. Before The Dukes there really wasn't any one piece of clothing that let the world know that you're hungry for dick.

(Joe Rogan Facebook Fan Page)

They See Me Rollin' - Ford Edition
