Thursday, August 2, 2018

Why You Need To Get Er' Done

TWC: What is the most actionable piece of advice you would give someone trying to get into this type of business or any entrepreneurial endeavor?

EB: Do one thing to move your business forward each day first thing when you get up. Most people put off essential tasks necessary to build their business until the evening.

This is a mistake.

When you wait, two things can happen:

The chaos of the day takes hold and your regular work ends up taking all your time.

You’re too exhausted to work on your new business because you’ve exhausted your willpower early in the day.

Wake up early and take one small step forward before anything else


It Is Very, Very Complicated


This Is Really Annoying


I Don't Miss This At All


The New Modern Safety Feature Scares Me Greatly

Data Confirms That Handbrakes Are Dying, Slowly and Painfully

Handbrakes used to have a real function outside of sick bootlegger’s turns, back decades ago when car brakes weren’t terribly reliable and you did need a last-resort emergency brake. But federal regulations improving car brakes have made that function a relic of the past, so it’s no surprise that, increasingly, automakers are forgoing handbrakes completely. 

Here are some of the benefits of e-brakes, according to CarGurus UK:
Considered a luxury feature, the electronic parking brake requires less physical effort, holds the car more securely and doesn’t need adjusting like the traditional lever. Most electronic handbrakes disengage automatically when you pull away plus they often offer an automatic hill-hold assist function, which is an additional safety benefit. The switch helps de-clutter cabins by taking up less interior space than a chunky lever on the centre console.
Hill-hold assist is nice, and, yes, it is less physical effort to push a button rather than pull a lever for those who need the help, though I’ll propose going forward that we equip every car with both an e-brake and a handbrake. Double the safety and fun.
