Thursday, July 7, 2016

Did You Know - Fish Eggs Edition

What Are The Different Types Of Fish Eggs In Japanese Cuisine?

Tobiko (flying fish roe)
  • Perhaps the most recognized among the different varieties is tobiko, flying fish roe. Ranging from 0.5 to 0.8 millimeters in size, the naturally red-orange eggs have a mild smoky or salty taste, with a note of sweetness and an especially crunchy texture. Tobiko can be infused with other natural ingredients to change its color and flavor. Common variations include squid ink to make it black, yuzu to make it yellow, beet to make it red and wasabi to make it green. In addition to adorning maki rolls (such as California), tobiko is often eaten as sushi or sashimi, where it can be served in a cucumber cup or avocado half.
Masago (smelt roe)
  • Often confused with tobiko by the untrained eye, masago consists of eggs from the capelin, a fish in the smelt family. Masago is similarly colored to tobiko, but the eggs are visibly smaller and the mouthfeel somewhat different — masago is not as pleasantly crunchy. The taste is similar, though masago can be slightly more bitter. Sushi restaurants have been known to substitute masago for tobiko, sometimes trying to pass off the former as the latter. Why? “Tobiko is a lot more expensive,” explains Masashi Ito, head chef of New York’s Sushi Zo, currently one of the city’s hottest restaurants. He adds that both “masago and tobiko are mostly used for decoration” in high-end sushi restaurants. You won’t find too many upscale places serving these pieces on their own.
Ikura (salmon roe)
  • Ikura is notably larger than both tobiko and masago, and its appearance can accurately be described as “small orange balls.” It is gooey in texture and quite delicate — handle an egg with a little too much force and you risk puncturing it and spilling briny, slightly sweet liquid. Chef Ito receives his ikura frozen from Alaska and cures it with salt to preserve it. He serves the delicacy fresh, however, when it is in season in May and June. Ikura is most often consumed while wrapped in crisp seaweed on top of sushi rice, though it can also be enjoyed as sashimi and is the only one of these three types of roe to have a culinary presence outside of Japanese cuisine. Salmon roe can be substituted in lieu of more traditional — and extravagantly expensive — black “caviar,” and it is served with blinis and sour cream in several countries, including the U.S.

They're Not Just Fears, But Nightmares

A golfer's 13 worst fears

The Shanks
  • Forget the heart-rending sight of your ball violently rocketing from its resting place at a 45-degree angle. The shanks are terrifying because of the aftershock: After you've had one lateral run-in, an inescapable anxiety sets in that said shank will return, turning every iron and wedge shot into a panic attack. Good times!
Complete list (

Good Luck


A Key Character Trait For Life

Name a specific characteristic a person needs to have to become successful? 
  • To me the most important characteristic is discipline. It’s the characteristic that develops all the others that you need. If you’re going to be successful at this, you need the discipline to sacrifice short term pleasure for long term gain, persist for a very long time against seemingly insurmountable obstacles and shoulder a whole lot of criticism and pressure along the way. The rewards though are great.

You Tell Em' Kevin!

Kevin Durant on increased price of his shoes: ‘I’m not a $88 player’

Kevin Durant’s KD9 Nike shoe was released late in June, available to the public for $150. While it is $30 cheaper than the KD8 that came before it, the most recent version of Durant’s shoe is still far pricier than what it used to be.

Durant and Nike began selling the shoe at an affordable $88, and actually dropped the price down to $85 for the KD2 and KD3 releases. Then, the price began to climb, all the way to $180 for the KD8.

When asked about this in a recent press conference, Durant was pretty blunt.

“As humbly as I can say it, I’m not a $88 player,” Durant said. “I’m an elite player in the league. I wanted everything to be affordable, but I knew we had to sacrifice some stuff. I just wanted the fans of the brand and of the shoe to just stay patient with me. And stay patient with who I am as a player, and the level I was trying to go to.”


It Does Exist


Yay Or Nay

Acura NSX GT3 racecar bares all in raw carbon


Good News For Speed Freaks

Bonneville Speed Week set to return in August 

The salt is good, the show must go on, etc.

After being canceled in 2014 and 2015, there's finally some good news surrounding Bonneville Speed Week. Enthusiasts looking to get their names etched into history with high-speed machines will, hopefully, be able to go flat out on Bonneville's Salt Flats in August. The news comes from an update from June 28 on the Southern California Timing Association'swebsite by SCTA President and Race Director Bill Lattin and Bonneville Nationals Inc. Chairman Pat McDowell.

"As of right now we have an 8-Mile Long Course, a 5-Mile Short Course and a 3-Mile Rookie Course," claims the update. "Course Prep is in motion and the 5-Mile & 3-Mile courses have been groomed." Last year, the SCTA could only find 2.25 miles of safe salt to race on. However, the organization is confident that the available grounds are good to go. "The SCTA is confident that the courses are all good and there is salt all the way down."

The Bonneville Speed Week was canceled for the past two years because of the poor condition of the salt. The SCTA and BNI have worked closely together over the years with the Bureau of Land Management to protect and return the slat flats to its race-ready condition. The program is part of a larger initiative that is referred to asSave the Salt.


1 Of The Most Obscure NCAA Rules Violations Ever

Alabama self-reported improper trophy placement as an NCAA violation

Did you know that there are NCAA rules regarding the display of trophies?

Alabama released its list of self-reported violations for the 2015-2016 year on Sunday and one of the violations is because the school improperly displayed a trophy during a recruiting visit. Seriously.

Five of the 19 reported violations involved the football team. Here are the five football violations:

• A trophy was “temporarily placed in an an area where prospects taking an official visit would be, which resulted in an impermissible recruiting decoration of that area.” Alabama said it provided “additional rules education for staff” and it “declared prospects involved ineligible until reinstated by NCAA.

The Groening - Simpson Family Tree
