Thursday, December 17, 2015

In My Opinion, When They Got Featured In Music Vidieos

At What Point Did SUVs Become Luxury Cars?

The SUV makes sense as a luxury car—it’s big, it shows you have money to burn (at least on gas), and it has room for all of your squash rackets—but when, exactly, did the buying public of the world figure this out?


And We'll Never Know Why


I Agree


What's Everyone Driving Around You?


Did You Know - Hyundai Edition

Five Facts About Hyundai You Didn’t Know

This Econobox Was Designed by the Same Man Who Designed the BMW M1

You may have heard of the Excel, the subcompact car that Hyundai entered the U.S. market with. However, don’t think this small, cheap vehicle was taken lightly by the market. It sold 168,882 units in its first year.

The Excel, which has nothing in common with the Microsoft spreadsheet program, was apparently designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro, the same man who designed the BMW M1, Lotus Esprit and the Delorean DMC-12. The Excel isn’t quite as sexy as those other vehicles, but its pricentag sure was attractive, coming in at $4,995.

Hyundai Rolls its Own Steel

Hyundai actually makes its own steel rather than depend on the work of suppliers. This is a pretty big departure from the norm in the industry, and, as a result, Hyundai can make its steel with its own specifications.

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If They Can Afford Places Like This, They Can Afford Their Taxes

This is why religious organizations should not be tax-exempt


This TV Series Finales Messed Me Up

12 Most WTF TV Series Finales


This show supposedly ended on a happy note. Darlene had a baby, the family won the lottery, and they were all well on their way to happily ever after–until the final episode revealed that none of this happened. Roseanne made it all up to put in her book after Dan died of a heart attack.

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I Vow To Put These Things Into Practice

11 things successful people tell themselves every day

2. "I will do what no one else is willing to do."

Often the easiest way to be different is to do the things other people refuse to do.

So pick one thing other people won't do. It can be simple. It can be small. It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, do it. You'll instantly be a little different from the rest of the pack.

Then keep going. Every day, think of one thing to do that no one else is willing to do.

After a week, you'll be uncommon. After a month, you'll be special. After a year, you'll be incredible, and you definitely won't be like anyone else. (And, in the process, you will develop remarkable determination and willpower.)

6. "I will not care what other people think."

Most of the time, we should worry about what other people think — but not if it stands in the way of living the lives we really want to live.

If you really want to start a business — which you can do in just a few hours, mind you — but you're worried that people might say you're crazy, do it anyway. Pick one thing you haven't tried because you're concerned about what other people would think or say and just go do it.

It's your life. Live it your way.

9. "I will try to do better."

We've all screwed up. We all have things we could have done better. Words. Actions. Omissions. Failing to step up, step in, or be supportive.

Successful people don't expect to be perfect, but they do think they can always be better.

So think back on yesterday. Think about what went well. Then think about what didn't go as well as it could have and take ownership. Take responsibility.

And promise yourself that today you will do a lot better.

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