Wednesday, December 9, 2015

They Are An Attention Getter

6 Reasons why owning a Toyota Supra SUCKS!!!!!

1. The Reputation & Attention
  • You’re not just buying a car when you buy one of the most talked about vehicles in the automotive world, you’re buying into a reputation and a lifestyle. Whenever you go for a drive in the car, you always get looks and stares; this attention is good and bad. Of course we all love to show off a little and turn heads, but this brings unwanted attention. You cannot leave your car in certain places due to fear of it being vandalized. Cops are also a side effect of Supra ownership, and every single police officer here in Australia will double check the vehicle to see if there are any defects present. I am on my Red Provision license in NSW, and have been pulled over 8 times in the course of 3 months, and not issued one speeding fine, only 2 defects which prove painful after a while . . . . .
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I Hope I Never Have To Deal With This

The Legalities Of Autonomous Cars And What It Means For Us As "Drivers"

Ever wondered what would happen if you were fined for speeding in your autonomous car? Or who would be liable in the event of a driverless accident? Here are all the answers...

The current legal position: who is responsible?

The Department for Transport (DfT) is the UK’s governmental body responsible for Britain’s transport network. In its detailed Code of Practice and action plan review, the DfT outlined how autonomous vehicles should be introduced onto UK roads.

The key highlights are that the driver must have a full driving licence, the car must be fully insured, and the driver must act as if the car is being driven under normal conditions. So sitting in the back while recording yourself being driven by the car is not allowed. Obviously. In addition, the car must also feature a black box in case of an accident, and most importantly, the vehicle must have a manual override system.

As a result, the driver is still technically in control of the vehicle. So if an accident does occur, or if the vehicle is stopped for speeding, the driver will be liable, not the manufacturer. So even though your Tesla can drive itself, protect you from a chemical attack, and even put itself to sleep, it sadly can’t get you out of your speeding tickets.

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Testing The Sounds Of A Vehicle

What Is An Anechoic Chamber, And Why Are They So Important To The Car Industry?

Every sound your car makes was probably checked and refined in an anechoic chamber. But what is it, and why is it crucial?

To simplify this massively, here’s how it works: the walls of a room are covered in foam shapes (usually some form of triangle, however depending on the frequencies you wish to nullify, the shapes can change) which absorb the sound waves. Thanks to the material these shapes are made from, sound does not reflect readily, while the shapes are designed to reflect any noise that does escape towards each other, rather than back into the room. This allows the walls to absorb sound, meaning recording equipment will not pick up on any external noises that may interfere with what’s being measured.

You may have heard of car manufacturers talking about NVH. That’s noise, vibration, and harshness, to you and I. It’s an important aspect of building a car, as any shakes and rattles will lower the perceived value of a car hugely. Therefore, by using these chambers, manufacturers can more readily isolate any unwanted noises.


Damn Nature, You Scary

The Manchineel tree is considered one of the most poisonous tree in the world. It causes painful blisters if you stand under it during rain, blinds you if the smoke from its burned wood touches your eyes, can poison water with its leaves and will cause death if you eat its fruits 

The fruits are the most obvious threat, earning manchineel the name manzanita de la muerte, or “little apple of death,” from Spanish conquistadors. Resembling a small green crabapple about 1 to 2 inches wide, the sweet-smelling fruits can cause hours of agony — and potentially death — with a single bite.


A List Of Cars That Will Always Be Worth More Than A Ford Focus

12 Iconic Supercars That Are Slower Than a Ford Focus

7. BMW M1 Years: 1978-1981
  • 0-60mph: 6.1 seconds
  • Engine: 3.5l straight six
  • Power: 273hp
The M1 was originally meant as a collaboration between BMW and Lamborghini, until Lamborghini had to pull out of the deal. Thus, it became a pure BMW, and the patriarch of the then-new M Division.

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Sure . . . . .
