Wednesday, January 11, 2017

They See Me Rollin' - Truckin' Edition


They See Me Rollin' - Mitsubishi Edition


It Truely Is The Friendly Skies

Study: Airline Crewmembers Totally Have Sex on Flights

A new study by reveals that 89 percent of airline cabin crewmembers have broken the rules during flight. Most notable: Of the 718 British flight attendants surveyed, 21 percent said they had "indulged in sexual relations with a colleague during a flight" and 14 percent said they’ve engaged in sexual relations with passengers.


These Are The Easiet Things To Cut Back On

11 useless things to stop wasting your money on in 2017

Buying lunch every day

Eating out can add up quickly. The more food you can prepare at home, the better off your food budget will be. Plus, packing lunch also tends to be better for your waistline.
Of course, it's OK to treat yourself and buy the occasional meal out, but if you're aiming to hit major financial goals in 2017, going homemade is one of the simplest ways to cut back without making dramatic sacrifices.

Extra smartphone data

"The cell phone carriers hope you'll go over your monthly allotment [of data]," says Pogue. "If you do, they slap absurd overage charges onto your bill."

To never pay an overage charge again, install a "fuel gauge" app, like DataMan or My Data Manger, which will monitor the data you use and warn you if you're approaching your monthly limit. Pogue also suggests identifying the "gas-guzzlers": "Different apps use different amounts of data, and you might be astonished to see which ones are the guilty parties."
Finally, use Wi-Fi whenever you possibly can. When you're connected to Wi-Fi, you're not using any of your data allowance.

Impulse buys

From grocery stores to department stores, retailers have a way of tricking you into spending money mindlessly. One tactic is loading the checkout aisle with tempting products: cold sodas, candy bars, and 99-cent knick knacks. After all, your self-control is likely spent by the time you're done shopping, and stores bank on you giving into that pack of gum.

Skip the candy or magazine and redirect that $5 toward your savings goals or retirement account, where it could grow significantly over time. 

A Well Executed Business Card


Why You Need To Choose Your Political Battles More Wisely

Trump aims Twitter ire at Toyota over Corollas

Trump tweeted Thursday: “Toyota Motor said will build a new plant in Baja, Mexico, to build Corolla cars for U.S. NO WAY! Build plant in U.S. or pay big border tax.”

The company fired back quickly that “production volume or employment in the U.S. will not decrease as a result of our new plant in Guanajuato, Mexico, announced in April 2015.”

Toyota noted that its Baja plant has been open since 2002. The company said the facility that was referenced by Trump on Thursday is used to “support production at our San Antonio, Texas plant, where 3,300 team members produced over 230,000 Tundras and Tacomas in 2016.”

The Republican businessman proposed a 35 percent import tariff on Mexican-made vehicles during his hard-fought campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump has most often targeted Ford Motor Co., but he turned his focus to GM in a Tuesday morning tweet before setting his sights on Toyota on Thursday.

“General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border,” he wrote. “Make in U.S.A. or pay big border tax!”

GM builds the compact Cruze sedan at its Lordstown Assembly Plant in Ohio, and builds the Cruze Hatchback in Mexico. The new Cruze hatch for the U.S. market went on sale late last year.
“All Chevrolet Cruze sedans sold in the U.S. are built in GM’s assembly plant in Lordstown, Ohio,” GM said in a statement Tuesday. “GM builds the Chevrolet Cruze hatchback for global markets in Mexico, with a small number sold in the U.S.”


Some Interesting Tid Bits From Her Interview

17 Oh-My-God Leah Remini Revelations About Scientology

3 God Is a Lie, BTW

During her AMA, Remini replied to welsh_dragon_roar's question, "If all Scientology's secrets were revealed tomorrow, which do you think would be most shocking?" with a startling revelation:

"When you reach the top of The Bridge (OTP 8) you will be told that God is lie for LRH, and there are more levels ahead, that will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars. There is no end to Scientology."

11 The Financial Toll of Scientology

Upper level Scientology courses can cost thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, often putting members not at the celebrity level deep in debt. Learning the highest OT levels can run almost $400,000. Remini seemed taken aback by the idea that someone wouldn't know this, exclaiming in her interview, "Are you f___ing with me right now? Thousands and thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars though your Scientology career."

She also claims she was pressured to donate millions to the Church, for which she received several trophies.

13 There Aren't Actually That Many Celebrity Scientologists

When Redditor rightsidedown asked Remini "Why do you think there are so many people in the entertainment industry in the religion?" during her AMA, she replied:
If you really look at the numbers at the entertainment industry, in comparison to the small number of scientologists that are celebrities, the number wouldn't even register. I think Scientology has done an amazing job convincing people that there is a great number of celebrities in the "Church."
Complete list (

There Is A Significant Difference Between Them

Grind vs. Hustle: A Simple Guide To Telling The Difference

Someone who is a grinder can work tirelessly and see no return. Their sense of fulfillment is found in the chaos of moving at a fast pace, juggling multiple tasks, or simply being busy. However, someone who is a hustler makes sure every effort reaps a valuable return on investment.

Grinders desperately seek opportunity. If a slot opens, they step in without hesitation for the purposing of proving their worth to others. Hustlers put effort into existing opportunities to build on their vision and create additional opportunities with the value they already know they have.

Hustlers are not haters. A hustler respects the process and knows what it really takes to achieve the seemingly impossible, while grinders often hate because they don’t understand how to similarly master the game.

Those who hustle and those who grind often possess equal skill level, connections and muscle - but their movements are different.
