Wednesday, September 21, 2016

How Many Of You Remember This Moment In Golf History

Tiger Woods’ comeback at Silverado would be return to scene of his NCAA ‘crime’

Tiger Woods has history at the Silverado Resort in Napa, Calif., site of the Safeway Open at which he hopes to launch his comeback next month.

On Oct. 3, 1995, Woods, a Stanford sophomore, drove up to Silverado to meet with Arnold Palmer, who was there to play in the Transamerica, a Senior PGA Tour event. Woods said at the time that he went seeking advice from Palmer on dealing with the attention he would be facing in the future.

They had dinner and Palmer picked up the tab. Oops. When word got out, a brief investigation followed and Woods was suspended for a violation of NCAA rules that prohibited an athlete for receiving a benefit based on his athletic status or reputation. Woods was angry.

“I felt that I hadn’t don’t anything wrong,” he said, reiterating that he had had dinner with a friend. “For that I’m told I’m going to be declared ineligible.”

Woods was en route to El Paso, Texas, for a college tournament, the Savane College All-America Golf Classic, at the time and said he was uncertain whether he would be permitted to play. The NCAA quickly concluded the infraction had been inadvertent and minor, the suspension lasted only a day, and he was permitted to play.

Tiger, meanwhile, was required to reimburse Palmer for the cost of his meal and said he sent him a check for $25. He also said the incident might influence his decision on whether to turn professional following his sophomore year. “I don’t need this,” he said. “It’s annoying.”


Go Figure

Sports Agency That Reps Tiger Named 2nd Most Valuable in World

Excel Sports Management, the company where Tiger Woods's agent Mark Steinberg is a partner, was named the second most valuable agency in the industry by Forbes Magazine.

Forbes' report on the most valuable agencies includes numbers on the agencies' commissions and contract value. Excel has $149.6 million in commissions and a total contract value under management of $3.09 billion. Forbes credits Excel's rise up the rankings to its founding partners, Casey Close and Jeff Schwartz, as well as Steinberg's contributions in golf and, of course, the all-important fact that Excel can claim Woods as a client. Although he has yet to play competitively in 2016, Woods is still one of the highest paid athletes in the world.


A Tribute To The Man With The Voice

The Man. The Voice. The Stories. 

Vin Scully has been broadcasting Dodgers games for 67 seasons. As he signs off this year, Jon Miller, Bud Selig, Bob Costas and 20 other colleagues and friends reflect on why a career like Scully's won't happen again.

He has been as much a presence over these last 67 years as the afternoon sunshine and the sparkling stars that hover above the broadcast booths where he has spun his magical tales. So how are we supposed to comprehend life after Vin, life after baseball's most iconic voice exits the booth for the last time on the first Sunday in October?


Where There's A Will, You'll Find A Way

This Stanced Miata Being Loaded Onto A Trailer Is The Definition Of Cringe

Pushing the limits of what’s possible is exactly the point of modifying your car. However, at some point, the law of diminishing returns comes into play, which kicked in for this determined Miata owner the second he realized that his home-made hella-stance kit was a little too much for his rented U-Haul trailer to handle. 

That elegance comes with a price - the undignified and extremely sketchy way that the stanced behemoth tries and fails to make its way up a ramp belonging to a rented U-Haul car carrier. Makeshift extensions are added, constructed with 2x4s and wheel chocks, but those fail as the car’s forward momentum sends the wooden planks zipping underneath the car’s impossibly angled, wide-ass tires, grounding the already low Miata.

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Long Live The Manual, Again, For Now

The 2017 Audi A4 Quattro Has A Manual Now; You Should Buy It Equipped Thusly

The 2017 Audi A4 is thoroughly updated from the previous-generation A4, even if it doesn’t look like much has changed. There is, however, one bright and shining ray of hope for all involved: this fall its all-wheel drive Quattro version will go on sale with a manual gearbox. You should buy it that way.

The A4 Quattro manual will start at $39,400 for the base Premium trim, and it’s one of the only luxury sedans you can get with all-wheel drive and a stick shift. (Update: Originally I said “only,” but I forgot the BMW 340xi can be had with a stick.)


Oh Yah!


These Are Very Good Lessons

9 Business Lessons That Harvey Specter (From ‘Suits’)’ Will Teach You That Other Leaders Won’t 

“Don’t Raise Your Voice. Improve Your Argument.”
  • It is well said that whenever you are in a debate and on the verge of losing your voice becomes louder. Is it natural? What does that mean? It’s the conscious mind which is signaling that your argument is not couching any impact on the opposition. That simply means you need to ameliorate your argument. The only solution to ‘Not Raise Your Voice’.
“When You Are Backed Against The Wall, Break The Goddamn Thing Down.”
  • We always use the quote ‘Solving our obstacles’, ‘Overcoming our hurdles’, and ‘Figuring out our problems’. Well, Harvey thinks the other way. As per his theory, whenever you are restricted for doing something or bounded or confined to any edges, you ought to break it down. Creativity is always hindered by the limitations it is kept under.
“I Don’t Have Dreams. I Have Goals.”
  • There is a subtle difference between the two. Goals are actually our destination; it is the place designated as the end. Dreams are just a cherished desires and imaginative thoughts. We should prefer the latter over the prior. Goals are realistic; dreams are apparent. Be realistic.
“That’s the Difference Between You And Me, You Wanna Lose Small, I Wanna Win Big!”
  • Sacrifice is a must when you are making an arduous effort to reach your destination. If you will worry about tiny troubles then there is no way you will open the gates to success. You can only win big when you are easygoing enough to let go of the small.
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How To Become A Winner


Some Norwegian's Have Way Too Much $ To Burn

Norwegian Customers Band Together And Sue Tesla Because "Insane Mode" Isn't Fast Enough

Tesla shocked the world with the introduction of the Model’s “Insane Mode,” but a group of customers from Norway does not think so anymore.

A group of 126 owners of Tesla Model S cars has taken the American company to court because the “Insane Mode” is not as advertised. They want “unspecified reimbursements,” Bloomberg notes, because the car does not provide the level of performance that was proclaimed. Customers complained about the P85D’s Insane mode.


So True


You Will Not Regret Eating Here

The Best Hawaiian Food in Los Angeles

Gardena Bowl Coffee Shop
  • This bowling alley restaurant is famous for its comfort classics — don't leave without ordering fried rice.
King's Hawaiian
  • This is mostly a bakery (you've seen its Portuguese-style buns at the grocery store), so unsurprisingly the desserts are a highlight — especially the technicolor Paradise cake. But the huge savory menu incorporates everything from plate lunches to luau staples such as Kalua pig and lau lau (pork and/or fish steamed in taro leaves).
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It's Important To Enjoy A Good Meal
