Wednesday, November 29, 2017

An Interesting Read

The Decline and Fall of the Supercar Empire 

Supercars aren't what they once were. 

I'm starting to wonder if we should attach a Surgeon-General-style disclosure notice to every test or article we do concerning a car that is financially out of reach for all but the very wealthiest driver. It would go something like this: "WARNING: Many supercars tend to be purchased by people who got rich doing things that would shock and horrify you."

We live in a world where the rich keep getting richer, and that is why the demand for everything from Bentley Mulsannes to Pagani Huayras is at record levels. It's a world where Mazda's decision to produce another generation of Miata virtually amounts to charity because the pool of prospective middle-class buyers keeps shrinking but Bugatti can raise the price of the Chiron to $2.5 million and nobody bats an eyelash.

The worst part about this, speaking as a dyed-in-the-wool automotive enthusiast, is that this economic stratification produces less involving supercars than we'd have otherwise. I'll explain. If the middle-class economy can't sustain sales of great enthusiast cars like the Miata and the Mustang, then the chances of young people being exposed to those cars in their parents' garages or the used-car lots of their neighborhoods declines. So even if those young people eventually have the means to buy a supercar, they won't have any idea of what a real performance car should be.


Damn, Netflix


This Is An Impressive Prank


I Would Like To Think That This Describes Me

These Are The 8 Friends You Need To Be Happy In Life

7) The Mind Opener

They send you interesting articles. They get you to question your assumptions. Talking to them makes your brain do things straight out of the dream sequences from “Inception.”
Mind Openers are the friends who expand your horizons and encourage you to embrace new ideas, opportunities, cultures, and people. They challenge you to think in innovative ways and help you create positive change. Mind Openers know how to ask good questions, and this makes you more receptive to ideas. When you are around a Mind Opener, you are unguarded and express opinions aloud, especially controversial ones that you might not be comfortable sharing with other friends. These friends broaden your perspective on life and make you a better person.
Complete list (
Add wheels and suspension to a stock body and you have all you need. Simple is often best.
