Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Which XR Is Right For You?

Head to Head: Callaway XR 16, XR 16 Pro and XR 16 Sub Zero drivers


I Should Have Got A Tundra Instead Of A Tacoma

Here's What A Toyota Truck Looks Like After 1,000,000 Miles

Toyota is going to dismantle and study this 2007 Tundra pickup truck, which single-owner Victor Sheppard put over a million miles on in less than a decade. It’s still standing strong with the original engine, transmission and paint job.

Sheppard just swapped the truck out for a new one at a dealership near New Orleans. Apparently the 2016 Tundra he has now is the 16th Tundra he’s owned in his lifetime. Big fan of the brand!
Toyota says the million-mile truck, which has the V6 engine*, has survived this long with no extraordinary maintenance outside “timing belt replacements, oil changes, and the manufacturer’s regularly scheduled check-ups,” in a press release.


Editor's note: I use to own a 2002 Toyota Tacoma. When I sold it, it had over 250k miles. In that time, it need to have the top end rebuilt twice.

Why L.A.P.D. Even Needs An EV Fleet Is Beyond Me

LAPD not impressed by ludicrous Tesla Model S police cruisers 

Los Angeles Police Department isn't sold yet on EVs after an initial trial.

After almost a year testing the all-electric Model S, the Los Angeles Police Department isn't quite ready to put in an order. It's not just the cost of the vehicles, but also the fear of being unable to use them in case of a massive power outage that is making the city hesitant to go ahead and have the coolest-looking force in the country. That said, one of the reasons the LAPD is interested in an S in the first place is in the, "high-pursuit-rated vehicle arena," according to CNBC.


Not Worth It

The 28 Most Ridiculously Expensive Foods In The World

Edible Gold Leaf – $15,000/pound
  • We seriously doubt you will be slinging back edible gold leaves anytime soon but just in case you decided to jump off the deep end and give it a shot, you are going to be shelling out a pretty penny for one pound of this stuff.
Almas Caviar – $25,000
  • Everyone knows about caviar and it’s high price tag but Almas Caviar stands out because it goes back centuries to the days of kings and emperors, who also use to eat it.
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I Think These Foods Are Ok For A 1st Date

8 Foods A Woman Never Wants To See You Eat On A First Date

  • Fish is delicious, low in calories and has plenty of those “good fats” that are supposedly great in theory but I don’t trust anything that has the word “fat” in it. Unfortunately fish smells like, well, fish. And even the ever-present altoids in your blazer pocket can’t amend all of a seabass-infused goodnight kiss. 
Indian/Spicy foods
  • If you both love Indian food, great. You’re golden. However, not everyone can stomach spicy or foreign foods, and you don’t want your date feigning love of a particular dish to impress you only to run to the restroom with IBS later. Same goes for you, learn to know when to put your foot down or at least keep the palate neutral and friendly. 
Lobster, no. Oysters, yes.
  • On the other end of the Chipotle spectrum, if you’re considering taking your date out to a nice seafood dinner like the badass you are — please don’t opt for lobster. Granted they’re delicious and speak loads about your taste and wallet — but no one looks good cracking open a crustacean while wearing a bib. If you really want seafood, stick to oysters and champagne or mixed drinks. The aphrodisiac combined with hard liquor is certainly a win/win that tastes as good as her instagram will look. 
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How Many Of You Really Care?

This One Simple Trick Will Tell If Her Breasts Are Real Or Fake 

All you need is your phone. 

Should you ever come across a pair of twins so spectacular you don’t know if they’re natural or the brainchild of a plastic surgeon, there’s a very simple test you can do to check if they’re the real deal or not. Granted, you need to be on intimate terms with the boob-holder.

Just press your phone’s flashlight up against her boobs, and if they turn into high beams, they’re fake. Sorry. 

In fake honkers, the light spreads through the boob differently, and the silicone or saline implants absorb and reflect the light, making them light up like a Christmas tree.


Becoming An Adult Is A Constant Process

10 Ways to Finally Become an Adult

Pick up some big boy clothes
  • You need some suits. Not a ton, though: In fact, Dawnn Karen, founder of the Fashion Psychology Institute, says that you only need a few because too many options can be overwhelming. And don't just buy a suit and think you're done -- tailoring is not expensive and will make any off-the-rack job look sartorially superior (you should also know the word "sartorial" because it's fancy).
Rebound from screwing up at work
  • Unless you're Connie Britton's hair, you can’t be perfect every day. Just fix your mistake as soon as possible. “Apologize for whatever it was that got you in trouble and then state how you will avoid repeating that mistake,” says Lee McEnany Caraher, author of Millennials & Management: The Essential Guide To Making it Work at Work. “If you don’t know why you’re in trouble, ask for a meeting to discuss the situation and start with, ‘I know that I screwed up and I apologize. I want to understand fully how my behavior/actions/response was inappropriate and your expectations going forward so I can avoid repeating the same mistake.'"
Pay off those student loans already -- and start saving
  • Get a raise recently? Congrats. Don’t you dare think about spending it. “The financial boost may tempt to you to spend, but it’s important to maintain that broke college mentality to help boost your savings, pay off your student loan debt and get on the right financial foot so you can afford to build your life sooner,” says Woroch. That mentality should not, however, include the same college taste in Bob Marley posters.
Make a budget -- and stick to it
  • Budgets are boring, but important, like neighborhood zoning meetings. The good news is that you don’t have to spend hours pouring over a spreadsheet. You just need to follow a simple equation, says Woroch: “Half of your income should go toward living expenses including rent, utilities, transportation and groceries,” she says. Then 20 percent goes into savings or paying down debt. And 30 percent goes toward your lifestyle.
Build a network of people who can do things for you
  • You’re going to need a tailor (see above), a tax guy, a doctor, a mechanic…the list goes on. Get your stable of go-tos by simply asking friends, neighbors and coworkers for their list. If a dentist is good enough for your boss, he’s good enough for you.
Update your resume -- and email address
  • Experts disagree about how long your resume should be (one versus two pages) or if it’s okay to include (the super impressive) experience from high school on it (hell yeah, anime club!), but they all say that you should have a professional email address. “No or,” says Joni Holderman, a professional resume writer. “And don’t use your .edu email address from college, unless you went to a very prestigious school like Harvard or Yale.”
Stop making impulse purchases
  • That Swagway scooter you bought on a whim? Yeah, that was probably a waste of $500. Stop doing that! “I always suggest someone sleep on it for at least 24 hours before making a major purchase,” says Danny Kofke, a personal finance advisor with Arista Financial Group. “Many times we get caught up in the moment and purchase something we later regret buying. By giving yourself some time to really think about it, you will determine if you really want and/or need that item.” Sigh, guess that complete Huey Lewis and the News discography will have to wait.
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Did You Know - Korean BBQ Edition

Here's What's in All Those Little Dishes at Korean Barbecue

Cheongpomuk (mung bean jelly)
  • The name translates as "clear froth jelly," which sounds like something you should be paid handsomely for putting in your mouth. But it's actually just mung bean starch, and it does pretty much what lemon sorbet does during a fancy French feast: cleanses the palate. Garnished with a little sesame oil and/or soy sauce, maybe a little chile and scallion, it's one part flavor to three parts texture. (Muk made from acorn starch is also common, though wiggling cubes of liver-brown gelatin take a little getting used to, which in turn takes a lot of soju.)
Eomuk bokkeum (fried fishcake)
  • Bokkeum are essentially stir-fried dishes. Among banchan, the most common is probably fishcake. At its occasional worst, you may as well be chewing on Band-Aids; but at its best, the texture's almost pasta-like, the flavor rich and meaty beneath the sweet-savory glaze it attains during cooking.
Saewoo or myulchi bokkeum (fried dried shrimp or anchovies)
  • If your server brings you a dish of tiny dried shrimp or anchovies stir-fried in a sweet soy syrup, prepare to inhale dozens of critters in a few quick bites, because the crunchy little things are too good to pass up. (The easily creeped might find the variant made with shredded squid easier to stomach -- it looks like shaved carrot.)
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