Tuesday, December 20, 2016

I Agree With This

Why I Don’t Want A Car With Crazy Horsepower 

Do you want a fun-to-drive car or just big horsepower? Because they aren’t mutually exclusive 

For most modern street cars, I honestly believe 500 to 550bhp is the magic range where you’ll find the best driving experience without excessive insanity. Step back to less-complicated rides under 1300kg and I’d dial that back to around 400 ponies. Anything more, and you’ll be spending far too much time just trying to keep from crashing. Or the traction control will continually be kicking in, which makes the whole idea of big horsepower rather pointless if the car’s electronic brain won’t let you use it.

So yes, there is such a thing as too much power. And with factory stock cars producing more horsepower than ever, there’s a real chance this horsepower war could ultimately take some of the fun out of that which we claim to cherish most - driving. In the end, it comes down to a simple choice. Do you want to have fun, or do you want bragging rights?

Choose fun. Always choose fun.


I'll Just Leave This Here


A Sign That You're In A Rough Neighborhood




This Is A Long Read, But Well Worth It

Some Guy Live-Tweeted His Buddy’s Marriage Ending And It Might Be The MOST EPIC STORY Ever Told On Twitter 

Marriages end every day, but usually there isn’t someone on hand to document it for the entire world to see…on Twitter…like this guy did.

And thank goodness he did, because this is hands-down one of the most goddamn amazing things you will ever read.

Tweets (BroBible.com)

Some Simple, Yet Effective Advice

When on a budget go to the Goodwill of a higher income community than your own.

Goodwills are more or less a reflection of where they are located, meaning buying from a Goodwill near you is like going to a local yard sale. Where as going elsewhere can be a treasure trove. The more expensive the area the more stuff you’ll find; often people of certain wealth do not want to be seen shopping at Goodwill and will only drop items off.

If you only need to withdraw $10-$20, a $0.99 ice tea at a convenience store is cheaper than most ATM fees

Most ATMs that are not owned by your bank charge a $2-4 fee. Buying something small at a convenience store and asking for cash back will often save you a few dollars. Bonus: A refreshing ice tea is your reward for saving money.

Write down all your thoughts. Your mind is for creating ideas, not storing them

Whatever idea or task you have, write it down somewhere. Once you have written everything down, your mind becomes decluttered and free from distractions. Since you know that your thoughts are safely stored somewhere, it removes the incessant feeling of “I need to remember… something” in your brain. This makes you completely focus on the task at hand.

More here (CavemanCircus.com)

A Tasty Looking Combo Cake


Hollywood, The Greast Money Scam Of Them All

For each new film, a movie is set up as its own corporation, the entire point of which is to lose money. This is so actors, writers, and other individuals who are promised a share of the profits actually earn nothing since the movie, as a corporation, technically lost money. (article)

This happened to the guy who wrote Forrest Gump (the novel). He was promised a share of the profits of the film, but got nothing other than his $350,000 licensing fee because the film (which grossed $700 million on a budget of $55 million) “lost money”.

Years later, supposedly, he was approached by Paramount Pictures to license his sequel to his novel, but he declined, snarkily saying “I don’t understand why you’d want to make a sequel to a movie that didn’t make any money.


A Rare Godzilla Is Up For Sale

The famouse Amuse Carbon R34
