Thursday, June 23, 2016

These Are Just Bad Driving Habits, Period

12 Ways You're Killing Your Gas Mileage

2. Slowing down for corners
  • Fun fact: every time you use your brakes, your car's forward momentum is converted into heat, which then just radiates off into the ambient air.
  • What to do instead: Pretend you're a (speed limit-abiding) race car driver. Here's a primer on how to do so to save fuel. Be safe about it, but be smart, and you'll have a ton of fun in the process. I guarantee it. 
3. Braking hard for a red light 
  • Just as with approaching corners, braking heavily for a light that catches you off guard is bad for your fuel economy... not to mention your safety.
    What to do instead: If you look far enough ahead and are properly maintaining your awareness of what's going on around you, you can often anticipate that a light is about to change, especially if it's one you see often enough to know how long it lasts. That gives you the chance to coast for longer. 

Check Your Ticketmaster Accounts!

Ticketmaster Settles $400 Million Lawsuit By Giving You FREE Tickets And Here’s How To Get Them!

A $400 million class action lawsuit against Ticketmaster for outrageous overcharges on tickets that were purchased through the site between October 21, 1999 and February 27, 2013. Approximately 50 million people will receive free tickets and discount codes. Ticketmaster is offering $42 million worth of discount codes on an annual basis for the next four years.

To see if there is free goodies waiting for you because you got taken advantage of my the ticket giant in the past you need to log into your Ticketmaster account. Then view “Active Vouchers,” where if you are eligible will find a treasure trove of free shit.


Toyota Experienced A Deflating Situation In Its Loss

Toyota reveals cause of heartbreaking failure at Le Mans 

A defective air line connector led the No. 5 car's stall.

Toyota was set to become only the second Japanese automaker to win the grueling 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance race. But on the last lap, the No. 5 TS 050 car, which was being driven by Kazuki Nakajima, suffered a technical issue that resulted in a sudden loss of power. In a team statement, Toyota Gazoo Racing has revealed that the culprit was a "defect on a connector on the air line between the turbocharger and the intercooler."

The defective air line connector, according to the statement, resulted in a loss of control over the turbocharger. The team isn't sure why the connector failed and is continuing to analyze the component to get down to the root cause, the team said in the statement.

During the race, the team was able to get the No. 5 car running again by modifying the control settings. The fix, however, came a little too late as the vehicle could not complete the lap under Le Mans' maximum final lap time of six minutes and limped its way to 45th place.


I Concur

Ditching the iPhone headphone jack is annoying for everyone except Apple

The con arguments are plentiful. For one, it probably means you have to go buy new stuff — either new headphones or a new attachment to modify your old headphones — which is never a happy thought for folks already buying a $550 phone. If Apple does this and doesn't include a set of Lightning-enabled headphones with every phone, it will look like a particularly soulless money grab.  
Secondly, it tightens Apple's control on the accessory market and possibly over digital music as well. Nilay Patel at the Verge makes the argument that these headphones would tacitly support DRM — a.k.a. digital rights management, a.k.a. the thing that keeps you from being able to freely move media files between devices. Get rid of the analog headphone jack, he argues, and you lose the motivation to support anything analog. Daring Fireball’s John Gruber isn’t so sure about that argument but does point out in his rebuttal to Patel that anyone making Lightning headphones will require certification from Apple.
Beats, one imagines, would be among the brands to support the new standard.
No matter what, that’s more control for Apple, which can be a bad thing for consumers. Moving from an open standard to a closed one often leads to confusion and higher costs for consumers.
Finally, if Apple doesn’t add a second Lightning port to the phone — an addition that seems unlikely if Apple wants to make more room inside the phone — it will also mean that you can’t charge your phone and have your headphones plugged in at the same time. Even the one-port MacBook, which has its own power port pull double duty, lets you do that.

Did You Know - Hedge Funds Edition

What is a hedge fund?

Hedge funds are special cases of investment funds, instead of being open to the public with many smaller investors, it´s basically a private group of investors.

So hedge funds like normal funds invest in stocks and assets (like buying and selling other companies) to grow capital. Unlike normal funds their capital does not come from issuing out “shares” to many smaller private investors but from a small host of private investors.

Broadly speaking hedge funds are a special type of mutual funds.
