Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Damn I Feel Old Now Because I Remember These

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I Need Caffiene Not Just For Golf, But For Everything

A new strategy to lower your score: More coffee!

Auburn University researchers, who we stress were not in any way funded by Starbucks, studied 12 male golfers playing 36 holes over two days. Half were given a 155 milligram supplement of caffeine (about the equivalent of a cup of coffee) and half were given a placebo. According to the study, players who took caffeine scored two strokes lower, drove the ball further, and hit more greens in regulation.


Sad, But True


This Is Me


Did You Know - L.A. Suburbs Edition

An Idiot's Guide to 40 LA Neighborhoods

  • You just sold your graphic design loft space to Jamba Juice and your skinny jeans are getting way too tight from bi-weekly trips to Eggslut.
  • Your Robin Thicke cover band is playing an art gallery opening on Saturday night, but your best friend's improv showcase won't be over until 6pm, so you call your manager/the guy next door and he films a Kickstarter video for you so you can raise the money to pay for an Uber to get to the gallery. Phew!
  • “Move in with me in K-Town,” your friend said. “The rent will be cheap!” your friend said. “The bars are open late,” your friend said. Now you live in a cheap apartment in Koreatown above a bar that's secretly open until 6am. The good news? You work in that bar.
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I Believe In This Rule


Car Guys Never Out Grow The Hobby


Both Are A Fun Ride
