Tuesday, August 29, 2017

There's Some Truth To This


This Is A Well Thought Out Prank


As Long As It Survives Til' I Can No Longer Drive

Opinion: The combustion engine won't die for another lifetime 

Recent government pressure has reportedly signalled the death knell for combustion engines - but we're still not so sure 

We are a developed country. We don’t have power blackouts, we’re densely populated, we have billions to spend on infrastructure. And yet the internal combustion engine’s demise is still decades away. There are plenty of places in this world where you won’t find clean water but will find a Toyota Hilux. Globally, we will remain liberated by the internal combustion engine, and yet slaves to it, for a lifetime and more.


Some Simple, Effective Eating Habits

10 Eating Rules Foreign Kids Know That Americans Don't

France: Sugary Breakfasts are a No-No

Forget about Count Chocula and the Trix Rabbit. In other parts of the world, the first meal of the day is more hearty and nutritious.

Italy: Decrease Your Pasta Intake

As most carb-lovers know, pasta and associated foods—despite how delicious they are—aren’t exactly the best things to gorge on. It’s a shame, we know, but rarely does something that tastes that good end up being entirely good for you.

Mexico: Focus on Lunch

There's a motto often thrown about when people are discussing a healthy lifestyle, and it's along the lines of "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and [dinner] like a pauper." Like the French, Mexicans are also very focused on a meal that isn't dinner. (It isn't breakfast either though.)

Complete list (HealthyWay.com)

A Well Executed Creation
