Thursday, March 22, 2018

Old, Every Time, Next Question

Who'd You Rather? NEW or OLD? 2003 Acura NSX vs. 2017 Acura NSX. WHICH Gets Your Vote?

So, if you had the cash in your pocket right now, WHICH car would be the one for you?


Did You Know - F1 Edition

This Is Why F1 Racers Have a Hard Time Passing Each Other 

It's all about airflow. 

A modern F1 car relies on undisturbed air both to create the downforce needed to maintain grip through corners, and keep its tires, brakes, and engine cool. On the straights, drafting behind the car in front to divert air away from a car's aerodynamic pieces is better, because that creates less drag, allowing it to go faster. It's when you get behind a car in the corners do things start going badly. 

Since that air is being diverted away from the car, it's not creating enough downforce to carry speed through a turn. Moreover, there's less clean air to cool the brakes, tires, and engine. That's why drivers have such a hard time passing through high speed corners, and often leave a few car lengths of space to get a clean pocket of air. 

A Thought To Ponder

The question is, when faced with your particular challenge — ­whether it is researching in a new field, starting a business, producing a film, securing a mentor, advancing an important cause — do you seek the respite of talk or do you face the struggle head­-on?

Ryan Holiday – Ego Is The Enemy


The Proof Is In The Numbers

The Entire Dodge Car Lineup Is Old As Hell

This figure came to us from a Jalopnik reader by the name of Tom, which I appreciate, as I hadn’t really thought about the lineup of Dodge cars myself for quite a while. I think the last time that I thought about a Dodge car was when my coworker Mike Ballaban pointed out that literally tens of thousands of Americans bought a Dodge Journey last year. Why remains a mystery. Anyway, here’s Tom’s very good email to Jalopnik:
Hey guys:

I don’t if it has escaped your attention, but while we’ve been nice pricing and crack piping, the Dodge lineup of vehicles has slowly aging into what has to be the oldest lineup of vehicles of any full line maker in modern times. Every vehicle in their lineup is at least seven years old, with some starting their second decade.

Challenger – 2008

Grand Caravan - 2008
Journey – 2009

Charger – 2011 (or 2006, if you don’t consider the 2011 update to be all new, which many people don’t)

Durango – 2011

This is an average age of 8.6 years (and that is using the more generous 2011 date for the Charger).

Get this: The no longer available Dart(introduced in 2013) was actually the newest vehicle in the Dodge lineup!
As near as I can tell, there FCA has no plans to update any of these vehicles any time soon, and the sole reason Dodge continues to exist appears to be for subprime buyers.
To try to put that in some context, I checked how it compared to its competitors. Toyota has a bunch of old vehicles, for instance. (If you’re curious, the Sequoia and the 4Runner are both from 2008 and the lovely 86 is from 2012, as examples.) But even Toyota only has an average age of 5 years across its linup of cars, SUVs and crossovers.


This Is Absolutely True
