Friday, April 28, 2017

This Is A Very Surprising Stat

Japan is the third biggest market for Ferrari representing about 6 percent of all cars sold, with sales growing each year.


I Know My Role In The Group


I Did Not Know About These

16 Secrets Hidden In Brand Logos That You Probably Never Noticed Before

3. Obviously the “H” stands for Hyundai, right? But there’s something else there too…

The logo is also a stylized picture of a handshake between the Hyundai firm and a car buyer.

12. When you think of Quiksilver, you probably think of surfers and water, right?

Well, that’s exactly why the red company logo depicts a stylized rendition of the woodcut “The Great Wave off Kanagawa”?

Complete list (

Only If You Choose To Learn


A Well Executed Platter
