Wednesday, May 24, 2017

I'm A Combo Of #1 & #9

I’ve Never Thought The Way I Hold The Steering Wheel Of My Car Can Tell Much About My Personality.

1. The Minimalist
  • You are trying to make your life as simple as possible. You do not surround yourself with unnecessary things and people, and you choose the most straightforward and sincere people for your friends. But the fact that you are minimalist does not mean you are boring: friends appreciate your taste and your lack of a dramatic approach to life.
9. The Tough Guy
  1. You do not take things too much to your heart, and others may think that you do not care. Even during the most difficult periods in life, you radiate your self-confidence and peace of your mind. Every day for you is like a holiday and friends and family always turn to you when they want to spend time cheerfully.



A Good Read

China's Millennial Consumers: What Victoria's Secret Got Wrong, And Nike Got Right

What went wrong with Victoria's Secret's effort to impress Chinese consumers?

First, it takes more than a superficial understanding of Chinese culture to attract Chinese consumers. The dragon in Chinese tradition represents the majesty of an emperor. The clothing the emperor wore were called a dragon robe. The throne the emperor sat on was called a dragon chair. Even the emperor's body was called a dragon body. The Chinese refer to themselves as descendants of the Dragon.

Therefore, the dragon is a sacred symbol and should be revered. Pairing a dragon with revealing lingerie on models' super sexy bodies is completely off-putting, and inappropriate to say the least.

Second, Chinese consumers, particularly those who are interested in lingerie, are the young generation who grew up during China's reform and opening. They have been exposed to all sorts of ideas that the modern world has to offer. They are attracted to the western lifestyle and see the dragon as a representation of the "old world" that they are trying to break away from.


I'm A Proud Owner Of This Tan


I'd Pay Their Asking Price To Try These

11 Insanely Over-the-Top Burgers That Will Blow Your Mind

Holsteins, Las Vegas, Nevada

The burger: Billionaire Burger
The deal: A Kobe beef patty decked out with foie gras, port onion marmalade, and truffle mayo. If you post a pic of it, make sure you tag it #livingmybestlife.

Le Petit Paris, Los Angeles, California

The burger: Truffle Rossini Burger
The deal: Coronated with seared duck foie gras and shaved black Italian truffles, it’s the Benz of burgers.

Complete list (

The Organized Chaos That Is Burning Man

Strange Rules You Didn't Know People at Burning Man Have to Follow

You Have To Dispose Of Your Own Garbage (There Are No Trashcans) 
  • Let's try to break this down logically (they said before smashing their head through a wall). Because of Burning Man's "leave no trace" policy... there are no trash cans? Whatever the rationale behind this is, you should know to bring means of storing and removing all your own MOOP ("matter out of place," or things non-native to the ecosystem) before heading out to the desert. Burners take this seriously, too: many will clean up trash left behind by strangers just to avoid damaging the land.
No Photography
We've all seen photos of Burning Man, but have we really seen photos from Burning Man? Think about it. The no photo policy is in place so attendees can cut loose and do whatever they would naturally do if they weren't surrounded by thousands of pocket-sized cameras, and the kind of people who can really afford to do this desert anarchy festival correctly are some of the wealthiest people in the world, and it wouldn't endear them to their uptight colleagues if they were photographed zonked out of their mind on molly and wearing a diaper.
Complete list (

A Beautiful Rear End


I'm Going To Rock These On The Links This Summer

Air Jordan 13 Low Golf Cleat
