Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Thought To Ponder


A Damn Good Question


Some Great, Effective, Simple Advice

The bad habits you should give up if you want to be successful

4. Give up your excuses

Successful people know that they alone are ultimately responsible for their actions in life, no matter their starting point, weaknesses, or past failures.

Realizing that you are responsible for what happens next is both frightening and exciting. But it’s also the best way that you can reach success. Excuses limit and prevent us from growing personally and professionally. Own your life; no one else is going to do it for you.

5. Give up the fixed mindset

In a fixed mindset, people believe that their intelligence and talents are fixed traits. Thus, so this line of logic goes, talent alone creates success — without effort.

This is wrong. And successful people know this is wrong. Instead of assuming talent will automatically create opportunities, successful people invest an immense amount of time developing a growth mindset, acquiring new knowledge, and learning new skills.

Remember, who you are today is not who you have to be tomorrow.

8. Give up multi-tasking

Successful people know this. That’s why they choose one thing and then beat it into submission. Whether it’s a business idea, a conversation, or a workout, focusing all your efforts on a single task will pay dividends.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t start and complete multiple tasks overall. But being fully present and committed to one task at a time is indispensable.

12. Give up your need to be liked

Think of yourself as a market niche. There will be plenty of people who appreciate that niche, and there will be individuals who don’t. No matter what you do, you won’t be able to make an entire market like you, so stop trying to market yourself for mass appeal.

Instead, continue improving and contributing every day, and know that a growing number of doubters probably means that you are doing important things.

13. Give up your dependency on social media and television

Impulsive web browsing and television watching is a modern societal disease. These two should never be an escape from your life or your goals.

Unless your goals depend on either, you should minimize (or even eliminate) your dependency on them. Direct that time towards things that can actually enrich your life instead.

Complete list (

Closed Mouths Do Not Get Fed

Try to get rejected once a day

Not for anything in particular or even particularly important. You’ll succeed less than you think. Advice from an old professor. He was a photographer and would ‘try to get rejected’ getting into all kinds of cool places….he got into a lot of cool places.


A Damn Good Question

Help! How Do I Wash A Fireproof Racing Suit?

Here’s all the stuff you shouldn’t use when washing a fireproof item of clothing:
  • No chlorine bleach
  • No detergents that contain chlorine bleach
  • No detergents that contain animal fats
  • No fabric softeners (both the liquid stuff and dryer sheets, or detergents that contain fabric softeners)
  • No starch
Now that you know that stuff, the rest is mostly gravy! But gravy is good, so here are your best practices when laundering fire retardant clothing: First, check the care instructions for your particular item of clothing to find out what the manufacturer specifies when it comes to water temperature and drying instructions. You’ll also want to turn the clothing inside out before it goes in the washing machine.

It’s also important to be mindful of not overusing detergent; more detergent does not equal more clean and, in the case of washing this particular type of garment, it’s really important not to use too large a dose of the stuff. What happens is that the detergent doesn’t get fully rinsed out of the fibers — and lingering detergent can act as an accelerant to flame. So! Please do not use too much detergent.

One thing you can use safely is a laundry pretreatment spray, like Shout or Spray ‘n Wash. Which is helpful to know about if your suit has gotten especially soiled during the course of wearing it.
When it comes to drying, use a low- or medium-heat drying cycle to prevent shrinking, unless otherwise specified in the care instructions. You may also opt to air dry the item by hanging it or laying it flat.
