Friday, February 3, 2017

There's Some Good Reasons For it

Why The Japanese Will Never Buy Lots Of American Cars

Donald Trump’s tough talk on imported cars, and the Japan’s large trade surplus, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is asking the question: how does he get his public to buy more American cars? The answer: he can’t. Because the Japanese don’t want them.

They’re also seen as less reliable, especially American cars specifically. This is especially true after GM bungled its Chevrolet Cavalier sales through Toyota.

There are barriers to selling American cars in Japan, but they aren’t trade laws or regulations. They’re the hearts and minds of the Japanese people—and their tiny parking spaces, too.


Caffiene Addicts Proudly Share These Tips

14 Things All Coffee Lovers Have To Try

Caffeine lovers: These tips will brighten up your day.

9. Need more protein? Want to squeeze a little extra energy out of your morning coffee? Add vanilla or chocolate protein powder instead of flavored creamers.

10. Or just go all in and pour a couple shots of espresso over your favorite liquid protein drinks.

14. Want to make your coffee into a special sweet treat? Put a piece of chocolate in the mug before you pour your coffee in.

Complete list (

I Concur


Yes, Yes I Do


They See Me Rollin' - Ferrari Edition
