Tuesday, July 19, 2016

I'd Rock These

Nike Flyknit Air Max “Oreo 2.0” 


Did You Know - Absolut Vodka Edition

17 Things You Didn't Know About Absolut Vodka 

4. [A]merica has become the Swedish company's largest market 

  • Forty-five percent of it, in fact. Absolut's Ă…hus distillery cranks out half a million bottles a day just to satisfy the needs of American vodka enthusiasts. 
5. There's a real geographical area called the "Vodka Belt"
  • The area, which has Scandinavia at its western edge and also includes Russia and much of Eastern Europe, makes up the core of the vodka-producing world. Longstanding protectors of tradition, Vodka Belt countries only recognize spirits distilled from grain or potatoes as real vodka (sorry Diddy). 

I Found My New Favorite Coffee Shop


And You're Probably Over 30


I Agree


Pretty Much


This Is True


Watching A Thing Of Beauty In Its Natural Habitat

A 1975 BMW 3.0 CSL puts in some work at Laguna Seca.




Well, Damn
