Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I Shed A Tear While Reading The Headline

Playboy magazine to end publishing fully nude female photos

Playboy magazine to end publishing fully nude female photos; poses will still be provocative

NEW YORK (AP) -- Playboy will no longer publish photos of nude women as part of a redesign, the decades-old magazine announced Tuesday.

The magazine will still feature women in provocative poses, but they will no longer be fully nude, Playboy said in a statement.

The change, to take place in March, represents a major shift for the magazine, which broke new ground when Hugh Hefner created it and featured Marilyn Monroe on its debut cover in 1953. It marks the latest step away from depictions of full nudity, which were banned from the magazine's website in August 2014.


That's Just How The 'Old Ball Coach' Rolls

South Carolina’s Steve Spurrier: ‘I'm resigning, I'm not retiring‘

Spurrier, 70, made a point of clarifying that he would be resigning, not retiring, as reports had indicated on Monday. He was in high spirits as he took the podium, and was his typical, witty self as he announced his decision to move on. “I'll just be the former head ball coach now,” he said.


I Want To Drive This Road

America's Greatest Driving Road Is A Giant Secret

In this episode of Jalopnik Investigates we look at California State Route 33, an orgasmic stretch of road that starts in Ojai and terminates in the middle of nowhere.

Video link (Jalopnik.com)

The Prayer Of St. Bimmer Edition

Hail M2, full of Pace
The Torque is With You
Blessed Are You Amongst Insanely-Named Bimmers
And Blessed is the Fruit of Thy turbo Inline-6
Holy M2, son of E30s, pray for those GranCoupes,
Now and at the hour of their Death.

This Is A Good One


Some Unfortunate Politcal Truth


This Problem Is A World Wide Epidemic

The Self-Entitled Generation

It’s happening across the world wide web and I’ve had the misfortune to experience it in person too. Generalisations are dangerous, but in my experiences these people tend to be very young and from an upbringing where they’ve been raised to believe that they are the centre of the universe. This sort of protected rearing doesn’t do anybody good. Not you, not me and not the person in question. I was raised on the simple principles of respecting others and that your reputation is worth more than all of the money in the world. A great woman once told me that ‘even if you don’t have a penny in your pocket, you can still have your name and hold your head high.’

When you’re raised to believe that only your opinion matters, you immediately remove any opportunity to learn from your life. Countless times I’ve read harsh one-word comments which thrash someone’s hard work with no justification or even the decency to qualify their stance. Or worse. Rather than appreciating an awesome final product, they immediately turn it around into what they would have done to make it ‘better’. This latter example exemplifies the increasing levels of narcissism displayed by a lot of Millennials, typically none of which have ever done anything to show that they are even remotely capable of creating something on their own in the first place. Instead, they believe that the rest of us mere mortals should be grateful that they’ve shared their virtuous judgement with us.

Politely, they can f**k off.
