Neutral gray
What it says: Corporate, practical, pragmatic
"I think we all know what this says. It's very sober, it's very corporate, it's very practical, and it's a very pragmatic color. It's a pragmatic choice in that we know it's a color that you buy and would keep longer than probably any other color."
What it says: Clean, prideful, fastidious, pure... or lives in a hot climate
"What is interesting, is that a lot of people who choose white like the idea that it's very clean. There's a kind of purity in the color white, and of course these are the people who are also fastidious, because in order to have a white car you've gotta keep it very clean [laughs] or else it doesn't look great.
"What is interesting, is that a lot of people who choose white like the idea that it's very clean. There's a kind of purity in the color white, and of course these are the people who are also fastidious, because in order to have a white car you've gotta keep it very clean [laughs] or else it doesn't look great.
"Now, obviously, some choices are made because of
geographic location. If someone lives in the Southwest, where cars get
hot, they might choose a white car because it just kind of goes with the
temperature. But if we're talking personality, it's someone who likes
to keep that car clean, takes a great deal of pride in their car, and
makes sure it's seen by the rest of the world as a very clean car."
What it says: Power, status
"Black is the most empowered color of all. It's seen as classic, and the person who would purchase a black car enjoys being seen as powerful. We know that limos and cars politicians are driven around in are [usually] black, and that always implies power."
What it says: Elegant, futuristic, modern
"Silver can be very elegant, but it also has a rather futuristic appeal as well. There's a kind of modernity that's attached to a silver car."
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