Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Here's Some Helpful Hotness Info

Everything You Need to Know About Chiles and Other Vectors of Hotness

  • These are the dried berries of the Peruvian peppertree, closely related to cashew trees and native to South America. Pink peppercorns are sweeter than black peppercorns, but with nearly the same level of heat. They are also more expensive, and are available packed in brine or freeze-dried.
  • This Japanese spice belongs to the same genus (Zanthoxylum) as the Sichuan peppercorn, so the culinary effects are nearly the same, and two different varieties grow on the archipelago. It is used in pure powdered form on a few dishes (most especially eel), but is more commonly a component, along with six other ingredients including dried red chiles, in the shichimi blend of spices, often found in a small shaker on the tables of Japanese restaurants.
  • There are other plants and their seeds that produce pepper-like effects: red peppercorns (a berry native to Cambodia usually used fresh, it spoils quickly and is not imported into the United States); negro peppers (brown seed pods found in Malawe and Ghana and used in dried form); and pepperleaf (aka cubeb, native to Argentina and Peru, said to taste like a cross between black pepper and cilantro).

A Smidget Into The Life Of Dr. No

Superagent Mark Steinberg Brings Money In, Keeps Distractions Out

Dr. No said yes.

Mark Steinberg, superagent, who earned his press-tent nickname by routinely telling reporters no, said he would call at 3 p.m., and here he was, right on time.

People in the golf business will tell you that Tiger's "Steiny" is effective at his job, relentless and hardworking. He has become, by virtue of his relationship with Woods, one of the most powerful people in the game. Since leaving IMG and joining Excel Sports Management five years ago, he has signed Matt Kuchar and Justin Rose, two of the game's gents, and young Justin Thomas, who was being courted by the world. "My wife was a little apprehensive about it at first," Kuchar told me about his move to Excel. Sybi Kuchar knew all about Steinberg's take-no-prisoners reputation. "But he has completely won her over."


Talk About Aging Gracefully


A Good Read


In sports, we're always searching for the next big thing. But the hype is often inaccurate, and sometimes reality falls spectacularly short of expectations. With that in mind, we tapped a panel of more than 60 ESPN experts to identify the top 25 instances of unfulfilled potential. Some of the athletes who made the list squandered their prodigious talent; others were slowed or stopped by injury. All left us wanting more. 

Part 1 of 2 (ESPN.com)

Did You Know - Matt Murray Edition

5 things you didn't know about Penguins' Murray 

Pittsburgh rookie goaltender late bloomer turned playoff hero

3. He holds the American Hockey League record for longest shutout streak, at 304 minutes, 11 seconds, during the 2014-15 season. His streak included four consecutive shutouts, and he came 1:11 shy of a fifth straight. He broke the previous record, held by Barry Brust, by about 37 minutes.

5. Murray plays guitar in his spare time, and music runs in the family. His brother, Mike, plays guitar in the Toronto-based band Earth's Yellow Sun and is a guitar instructor at the Arcadia Academy of Music in Woodbridge, Ontario.

Complete list (NHL.com)

I've Always Wondered How They Did This

This is how you change a tire on an off-road dump truck

The heavy tire needs a strong hydraulic arm to lift it off the rim.


Did You Know - Super Mario Bros Edition
