Monday, August 13, 2018

This Is Impressive


Another One Bites The Dust


They See Me Rollin' - BMW E30 Edition


I Follow These Guidelines Religiously

Want To Succeed More In Life? Adhere To The Unique Morning Routines Top Business People Follow 

2. Don’t work through breakfast.
Enjoy your breakfast, chatting with the family, and put that phone away for a few minutes.

3. Go all-or-nothing on office arrival time.
Either arrive at the same time as everyone else or get there significantly earlier than everyone else. Arriving early helps you get your work done without all the disruptions that will inevitably come when the rest of the staff arrives.

4. Tackle the hardest thing first.
By doing the hardest thing first you free yourself up to deal with any unexpected obstacles you have to overcome the rest of the day.

5. Less talk, more focus.
All shooting the sh*t in the morning does is put you behind and costs you your most productive time of the day. This also means no morning meetings.

Complete list (

I'm Not Surprised

Study Shows UK Buyers Bought PHEVs For Discounts Not To Plugin And Save The Environment

In theory, plug-in hybrid cars are the perfect stepping stone to shifting from internal combustion engines to fully electric cars, getting us all used to the idea of plugging in our rides instead of filling them up.

But a recent report from the BBC suggests that a lot of hybrid sales in the UK came from large tax incentives, and then people just never bothered charging them.

Back in 2011, the UK passed a grant meant to incentivize people to buy plug-in hybrid vehicles by knocking £4,500, or roughly $5,740, off the sticker price and steeply undercutting the cost of most comparable diesel cars.
