Friday, June 23, 2017

This Is Also True In Your 30's


Another Casualty Of Healthy Liviing

Bye Bye, Butterfinger

Americans are increasingly snubbing sugar, and Nestle (+0.43%) is taking note. As the Swiss company looks to shift to a healthier portfolio, it may shed its sweeter U.S. segments to cut costs amidst sluggish global sales.

In the U.S. confectionery market, Nestle only holds an 8.4% market share—as in—it’s probably time to bid adieu to Butterfinger, Baby Ruth and other childhood favorites.

Luckily for us, Nestle doesn’t plan to sell its signature Toll House brand, so our beloved chocolate chip cookies are safe (for now).


How Many Of Your Favorites Made The List?

The Best Hot Sauces, Ranked

The Decision Is Yours


A Thought To Ponder


If You Haven't Eaten Here Yet, You Need To

Pittsburgh Chicken and Subs in Los Alamitos Keeps Broasting On After 25 Years


This Line Got Me Good

They Tried To Clown Chamillionaire, But Here’s How He Could Afford That ‘Finals’ Courtside Seat And Much More

In an interview with Noisey, the rapper said he was tired of staying where he was — regarding his circle.

As the source notes, Chamillionaire wanted to be a “Chabillionaire.”
“I walked around the music industry for a bunch of years, right? I saw a lot of rich people. I didn’t see wealthy.”

Essentially, Seriki figured out he was in the wrong industry. The music industry is like a pyramid scheme.
