Wednesday, June 24, 2015

From A Hot Dog Aficionado

The 10 Hot Dog Commandments With Doug Sohn

3. Thy wiener shall be made of meat
  • For carnivores, beef, pork, veal, or some combination thereof are preferred. As with all meats, the source is important. Your local butcher is usually going to be your best bet and there are certainly acceptable brands in your supermarket. In Chicago, just use Vienna Beef. They're the best.
7. The ends of thy hot dog can hang past the ends of thy bun, but not the other way around
  • And thy bun shall be fresh. Steamed or toasted is preferred. Some people like the side cut, others the top cut. I guess this is a regional thing. Buns must be sturdy enough to hold the wiener and toppings without falling apart.
9. Thou shall treat the hot dog as thou would treat the finest fish, fowl, or expensive food item
  • Love, care, and attention to detail shall not be ignored. Having said that, hot dogs are very forgiving and will last a pretty long time in a steam tray or the indirect heat part of the grill.
Complete list (

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