Monday, July 20, 2015

Did You Know - Porsche Carrera GT Edition

Eight Things You Didn't Know About the Porsche Carrera GT

2. The Carrera GT has one of the most notoriously difficult clutches of any production car. Search YouTube and you will have no trouble finding videos of valet drivers and owners alike stalling their Carrera GTs. Much of the blame lands on the world’s first production ceramic clutch or PCCC (Porsche Carbon Ceramic Clutch). There is, however, a trick to avoid stalling. Porsche built the Carrera GT with auto-throttle to aid in starts. Though counterintuitive, drivers should not apply throttle during starts. Rather, they should slowly release the clutch and only apply throttle when rolling with the clutch fully released.

6. Carrera GT maintenance costs are steep. An oil change will run around $1,200. A new alternator costs $2,400. New tires, recommended to be replaced at least every four years, run roughly $2,500. A new windshield is $9,000. A new clutch costs just over $20,000. The 30,000 mile service is the real killer at around $30,000. I guess it could be worse. At least Carrera GT owners don’t have to deal with $300,000 annual maintenance costs like Veyron owners.

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