Why Jerry Seinfeld Is the Most Important Celebrity in Sneaker Culture
Beyond star athletes, popular artists, and social media #influencers, the comedian has become the most unlikely mainstream sneakerhead icon.
It’s probable that Gray (who would head up talent relations for Nike for years after she was simply known as the “Nike Lady”) laced the Fresh Prince and Martin casts too, and the none more caucasian Friends and Home Improvement could well have been on her rounds. So why this examination of Jerry’s feet and not the tool man? Simple answer—Home Improvement was never actually funny. These were TV show and brand relationships that ran so deep, the cast got their own SMUs—the Nike Binford, a quite appealing Air Edge for Friends and, best of all, the Air Seinfeld—a reworking of the GTS long before Supreme got their hands on it. The Great Tennis Shoe seemed almost too bland for Jerry to wear in the show, but it’s the kind of shoe that wouldn’t get strange looks in his onscreen ‘hood.
Giving Jerry shoes meant that they got the desired exposure — from early promo shots in Delta Force St Lows to breaking out cardinal Jordan VIIs for Playboy. He genuinely appeared to be a fan, but he wore the things rather than coveting them. This was a time when retro wasn’t an emphasis for lifestyle wear.
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