Being a car girl comes with its ups and downs. Here is a look at some of the most irritating things us car girls have to deal with on the regular . . . . .
1. People think we don't get tickets
If car girls didn’t get tickets, we would treat every daily commute like a lap around our favourite track. Just because some chicks on YouTube post their miraculous getting-out-of-tickets videos, doesn’t mean we all do. We have to be just as cautious about speeding and obeying the law as guys.
When we are lucky enough to get away with just a warning after being pulled over, there’s always someone who asks, “what’d you do? Show some cleavage? Cry? Hike up your skirt?” Did it ever occur to them that we could have simply admitted our mistake and been courteous to the police officer?
4. Fake car girls ruin everything
You know you’ve seen them. They’re all over the place: fake car girls. And they come in three basic forms:
- Models - “Oh, look at me with this tool that I totally know how to use and these very real grease marks.” It’s not their fault. Somebody posed them that way.
- Spoiled Girls - “Daddy bought me a brand new BMW, but I have no idea how to drive it…and what are all these things on the dash for?” These girls are proud of their car, but have no idea how it works.
- Bought Not Built Girls - “It’s lowered with a custom exhaust, new intake, new paint job, etc.” Sure, it’s a nice car, and she should be proud. The problem is, these fake car girls have never done as much as change their own oil. It’s off to the shop every time, no matter how small the job.
We will never be able to make other girls understand our passion. We’ll tell them we are going for a drive, and they will ask dumb questions like, “Where?” and “Why?” They don’t understand why we park far away from other cars, why we don’t park under trees or why we take the long route to avoid potholes. They see a red convertible, no matter the make or model, and say “Oooo…there’s a nice car.”
We admire them for trying, but it just doesn’t work like that.
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