Tuesday, December 15, 2015

I Want To Be Shocked By This News, But I'm Not

Why Don’t Some Car Reviewers Own Cars?

“I have to go four days without a press car. My life is basically on hold,” said our dear reviewer. “What am I supposed to do?”

This is the sad reality for most “car reviewers”. Their personal brands are so strictly defined that they can’t write about anything other than how many cup holders are in the newest Maibatsu Monstrosity.

But then it got worse. From another reviewer: “I have no personal vehicle so when my inevitable lag in press cars happens, I’ll be lost.”

I’m sorry — you don’t own a car? Say what?

Others indicated that they were in the same boat. They don’t own cars, so they’re pretty much S outta L when the press car gravy train runs dry. It’s one of the deep, dark secrets about the car review business — a lot of these guys don’t own a single car, nor do they plan to. They think that press cars are more than a perk, at this point — they’re a Bernie-Sanders-given right.

There are so many reasons why this is wrong that I barely know where to begin. But you know me, I’ll figure it out. Let’s look at how what might seem harmless can actually cause some serious damage to the credibility of an entire industry that barely has any to begin with.


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