Monday, December 21, 2015

I'm Guilty Of This

15 Things We All Do Without Even Realising It

There are certain things we all do unconsciously as petrolheads, so this list of 15 things will be like looking in the mirror!

1. You always stare at your car's reflection
  • For some unknown reason, you car always looks extra special when you see it in the reflection of a shop window. Bonus points if you glance at your car’s reflection when in motion!
8. You always look back at your car after parking it
  • As the saying goes, ‘if you don’t look back at your car as you walk away from it, then you bought the wrong car’. 
10. You repeatedly wobble your shifter to make sure it's in neutral
  • Come on, just one more wobble. You know, to make sure.
13. You set the wheel and seating position as low as possible
  • It’s all about that race car seating position.
Complete list (

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