Monday, January 11, 2016

Social Media Junkies Are Such Idiots

No, splitting the Powerball among the US population would not make us millionaires

The record-breaking $1.3 billion Powerball jackpot is starting to seep into the world of memes. But one viral meme in particular is plagued by a case of bad math.

The concept is simple: If Powerball simply split the pot amongst the entire US population, poverty would be solved!

According to the meme's math, $1.3 billion divided by 300 million people would provide everyone with $4.33 million.

Except, it really wouldn't.

Everyone would get about $4.33.


Editor's note: Why the original math was incorrect. The person divided 1.3 billion by only 300, and not 300,000,000. 

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