Be Prepared And Willing To Start From The Bottom
- I commend Talia for being willing to start at the bottom of a company, and work towards her desired position or department.
- However, don’t assume that you’ll just be anointed the social media manager of a $3.5 billion company after a year of working customer service and having no actual experience in social media besides tweeting out some cat memes. This is a prime example of entitlement that seems to plague millennials.
- Another glaring issue is not taking responsibility of your errors. It sounds like Jane had an issue on several occasions. Yet she did not rectify the situation and did not leave for work earlier in case this issue arose again. When you don’t take ownership for when you make an oversight or don’t take precautions to prevent a potential problem, you enable yourself to escape any culpability, thus you’ll easily make excuses for more and more misfortunes.
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