Monday, March 28, 2016

A New Way To Eat It On The Go

How To Make An In-N-Out Breakfast Burrito

The ingredients for one extremely filling burrito are simple:
  • 4x4 In-N-Out Burger
  • 4 Eggs
  • Fries
  • Extra Cheese
  • Side of spread
Chop up the 4x4, mix it in with some eggs, throw another slice of cheese in there and give the entire thing a low-heat soft scramble on your skillet. You don't want to burn anything, this process will take a couple minutes on the stove.

In the mean time, get your tortilla of choice (over-sized), smear the spread all over, give a bottom layer of french fries, then top it all with your 4x4 burger mixture. After you wrap up the magic, I like to throw the entire burrito back on the skillet for a good browning on both sides.


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