Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It Cost Him Approximately $34/Mile To Own This Car For 10 Months

What it cost me to own a Ferrari for a year

During my 10 months of ownership (it wasn’t quite a year :( ) I put 1,863 miles on this car.

Total Cost:
All said and done, I am $58,363.51 into this car,

The real problem came at where do you sell a Ferrari?

I listed the car for a 7 day auction with a buy it now of $65,000.
On day 7, with one hour left to go, my auction was up to $55,700. I was preparing to list the item on BAT and pay Ebay the $15 I owed them, and boom, last minute bidding war.
With only several seconds to go, one lucky bidder met my bid at exactly $65,000.

So in 10 months of owning and driving a Ferrari, I spent -$6,636.49. Take away my $140 listing fee from Ebay and I profited $6,496.49. I also got to write off the taxes I paid on it, so it’s slightly more than that, but all in all, through my love, and hate, of this car, I would say it was a good decision.


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