Thursday, April 28, 2016

Did You Know - Ranch Dressig Edition

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ranch Dressing

4. Ranch-flavored soda exists
  • So you’ve heard of ranch flavored potato chips, taco shells, and even sunflower seeds, but soda? That’s right. Grossed out a bit? We are. Our friends over at Lester’s Fixins Soda, who have brought us bacon and peanut butter & jelly flavored sodas, have really outdone themselves this time. While it mostly tastes like sugar soda, the smell is so repulsive (think rancid blue cheese) that it’s hard to get past.
6. Since its creation, Hidden Valley Ranch has developed over 70 different varieties of ranch dressing
  • The most popular flavor remains The Original Ranch, followed by Avocado Ranch, Cucumber Ranch, and Bacon Ranch. Crazier flavors over the years include Pizza and Taco Flavored Ranch. And that’s just Hidden Valley. Vegan Ranch is definitely also a thing.
Complete list (

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