Monday, April 25, 2016

Nissan, The Los Angeles Lakers Of The Automotive Market?

Nissan Dealers Hate Nissan

1st Gear: Dealers Have No Love For Nissan
As Nissan aggressively pursued market share in a bid to replace Honda as the U.S.’ no. 2 import carmaker, Automotive News reports the company has repeated alienated a key player in that process: its dealers.
Those dealers are constantly being threatened with termination and, according to one lawsuit, not being fair with incentive programs.
“Nissan is one where there is a division of opinion,” Haig said. “You’re either in their camp, and they love you, and you can make a lot of money on Nissan stores. Or they’re not happy with you, or you’re not happy with them, and you have to get out because life is not going to be pleasant for you.”

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