Friday, April 15, 2016

Now There's Scientific Proof To Provie it

Tag Someone Who Says ‘Money Can’t Buy Happiness’ In This Post Because Science Says That Person’s An Idiot 

A study from Cambridge University appears to have confirmed something that humanity has been aware of since the very first king was crowned many centuries ago: money can buy happiness. People who are short on money like to say ‘the best things in life are free’ or ‘money can’t buy happiness’, but I’m here to spread the word today that those people are wrong as fuck.

The study found that having money to spend on (tangible) things in life that match a person’s personality traits does in fact correlate with being happy. Specifically, after combing through over 77,000 financial transactions the Cambridge University study found that the ‘people who spent more on purchases that matched their personality were happiest.’


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