Thursday, April 7, 2016

U.S. Shareholder Meetings Have Nothing On Their European Counterparts

Daimler shareholders brawl over sausage buffet

The incident, according to Bloomberg, was sparked at the automaker's annual general meeting in Berlin, where the Mercedes-Benz parent company announced dividends of €3.25 euros ($3.70) per share. As if that wasn't enough to keep the investors happy, the company served sausages – some 12,500 of them for the 5,500 shareholders present, which works out to more than two per head.

One gentleman apparently wanted more than his fair share, though, and started loading his plate up with wieners. A woman stepped in, and what started as a verbal altercation reportedly spiraled out of control to the point that the Polizei had to step in. Details remain scarce, but (mostly for our own amusement) we're the picturing a mess of sausages flying every which way, lederhosen being snapped, and handlebar mustaches pulled as the polka musicians tried to keep up the tempo. Daimler reportedly plans to either prepare more sausages next time around, or cut them out altogether.


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