Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I Think These Foods Are Ok For A 1st Date

8 Foods A Woman Never Wants To See You Eat On A First Date

  • Fish is delicious, low in calories and has plenty of those “good fats” that are supposedly great in theory but I don’t trust anything that has the word “fat” in it. Unfortunately fish smells like, well, fish. And even the ever-present altoids in your blazer pocket can’t amend all of a seabass-infused goodnight kiss. 
Indian/Spicy foods
  • If you both love Indian food, great. You’re golden. However, not everyone can stomach spicy or foreign foods, and you don’t want your date feigning love of a particular dish to impress you only to run to the restroom with IBS later. Same goes for you, learn to know when to put your foot down or at least keep the palate neutral and friendly. 
Lobster, no. Oysters, yes.
  • On the other end of the Chipotle spectrum, if you’re considering taking your date out to a nice seafood dinner like the badass you are — please don’t opt for lobster. Granted they’re delicious and speak loads about your taste and wallet — but no one looks good cracking open a crustacean while wearing a bib. If you really want seafood, stick to oysters and champagne or mixed drinks. The aphrodisiac combined with hard liquor is certainly a win/win that tastes as good as her instagram will look. 
Complete list (

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