Thursday, June 23, 2016

These Are Just Bad Driving Habits, Period

12 Ways You're Killing Your Gas Mileage

2. Slowing down for corners
  • Fun fact: every time you use your brakes, your car's forward momentum is converted into heat, which then just radiates off into the ambient air.
  • What to do instead: Pretend you're a (speed limit-abiding) race car driver. Here's a primer on how to do so to save fuel. Be safe about it, but be smart, and you'll have a ton of fun in the process. I guarantee it. 
3. Braking hard for a red light 
  • Just as with approaching corners, braking heavily for a light that catches you off guard is bad for your fuel economy... not to mention your safety.
    What to do instead: If you look far enough ahead and are properly maintaining your awareness of what's going on around you, you can often anticipate that a light is about to change, especially if it's one you see often enough to know how long it lasts. That gives you the chance to coast for longer. 

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