Tuesday, July 5, 2016

My Friends & I Went On A Hunt For 1 Of These Roads Once

6 of L.A.'s Greatest Urban Legends

5. Gravity Hill in Altadena 

Most people think Altadena is a dairy. It's also an unincorporated area of L.A. County, just north of Pasadena. It's also haunted.
Well, not really. But there's a hill on Loma Alta that's said to be haunted. There, according to local lore, if you put your car in neutral, it actually rolls uphill. There are a couple of different versions of this legend, but the most common one is about a school bus crashing decades ago; the ghosts of the dead children push your car uphill to avoid another accident, or something to that effect. 
There are a number of these supposed gravity hills in California, and the general consensus is that they're optical illusions — that is, you're not actually facing uphill when you think you are. 
In 2008, some killjoy went around posting flyers debunking the idea of gravity hill in Altadena.

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