Monday, August 1, 2016

Did You Know - Hot Dogs Edition

The 41 Most Important Hot Dog Styles in America

Tijuana dog/danger dog
  • Place of origin: Los Angeles & San Francisco, CA
  • The dog: A hot dog made of unidentified meat, wrapped in bacon and deep-fried, then tossed into a soft bun and topped with any number of condiments, including (but not limited to) fried onions, mayo, mustard, ketchup, and grilled jalapeƱos. Essential: must be served by an unlicensed vendor, preferably on a sketchy California side street.
Dodger Dog
  • Place of origin: A baseball lover's Los Angeles
  • The dog: A skinless, foot-long pork hot dog, steamed or grilled and cradled in a foot-long steamed bun, then topped with relish, mustard, ketchup, and chopped raw onion. Insert your own joke here. 

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