Thursday, August 11, 2016


How To Be A Good Friend

3. Be happy for their success, even if it’s something you wanted. Don’t be another crab in the bucket. I see this especially when dealing with self-improvement and confidence with women. Men get jealous that they aren’t pushing themselves and try to deter others from excelling. Support your friends in all their productive endeavors. Don’t let your own insecurities prevent you from being fair and supportive.

5. Don’t fault them for what they don’t know. Give your friend a chance to resolve the issue or share their side. They may not even realize they’re doing something wrong until you explain it to them.

10. Keep your word. Don’t share their secrets. Follow through and show up when you say you will. Be someone they can count on. Your word is your bond and it’s the most powerful tool you own. Once you break it, it’s extremely hard to get back —” and sometimes you’ll never regain it at all.

18. Educate and grow with each other. I can talk about anything with my best friends. Yes, we enjoy bro-ing out about video games and hot women (who doesn’t?) But we also have deep conversations about humanity, our greatest fears, and becoming a better person.
We’ve shared our life lessons, insights, and failures. We discuss ideas that benefit all of us. We aren’t afraid to open up and be vulnerable because we trust each other. And our lives are enriched because of it.

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