Thursday, August 4, 2016

Some Good Lessons

17 Harsh Life Lessons That Everyone In Their 20’s Will Eventually Learn

2. Don’t spend more money just because you are starting to earn more. Lifestyle inflation creeping in is a bitch.

If you don’t keep working out and start eating well, you’re going to feel like 45 once you hit 30.

Do stuff that makes you happy instead of doing stuff that makes you look cool.

11. How to stand up for yourself, particularly against authority figures, in a way that gets your point across but is still respectful.

Sometimes your boss will be an utter ass and make your work place hell, so you need to tell them to back off or they’ll keep doing it.

12. You aren’t special and you won’t always get your way. The real world is not fair and it does not care about you. You are in fact capable of accomplishing anything, but it’s not going to be easy.

Complete list (

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