Wednesday, October 26, 2016

For The Discerning Car Owner

Top 5 of the Most Ridiculous Car Items on Sale

Porsche 918 Spyder Luggage Set

Most of us like to go on road trips. And of course, common sense will tell us that we always travel with a luggage. But how would you feel if you would own a luxury car, say a Porsche 918 Spyder and go on a road trip with a luggage in your trunk worth more than a thousand bucks?

Apparently, Porsche had a brilliant idea by offering 918 Spyder owners the chance to own a matching five-piece luggage set worth $19,700.

Made out of leather, Alcantara and carbon fiber, this five-piece luggage set has a right to its price. However, you can already buy a decent car for that price, why spend it on overpriced luggage? C’mon Porsche, you can do better.
Hublot Ferrari Watch

Last on our list is another one of Ferrari’s ridiculous promotional efforts: a $300,000 watch. An addition to Ferrari’s stock of backpacks, cologne, cufflinks, wallets and more is a $300,000 Hublot watch.

They tapped the Switch watchmaker to make a watch that costs more than an actual Ferrari supercar. How about we trade this watch for a house and lot? Does that sound more practical? I guess avid Ferrari fans are not the practical kind.

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