Tuesday, October 11, 2016

This List Made Me LOL

7 Reasons Why Petrolheads Prefer Night Drives Over Clubbing On Saturdays

We know better than to waste money on getting wasted; what really matters is that we spend our time and cash on petrol, car parts and more petrol. It's the petrolhead code. Here's why!

1. Clubbing means less money for car parts
  • Students spend over £650 on nights out every year. That’s enough to pay for a set of fully adjustable coilovers or the nice wheels that your car truly deserves.
2. The only STI you want has AWD and 276bhp
  • Clubs are designed for dancing. Dancing occasionally leads to sex. Sex has three letters. STI has three letters. 3-3 = 0. The chances that your date has a clean bill of health = 0…Illuminati confirmed.
5. You get to spend quality time with your ride and think about life
  • “When was the last time you went for a drive? Not to anywhere. Not for anything. Just to go for a drive…This is brilliant. No phone, no kids, no interruptions. Time to think. Time to work stuff out. Just me in my little metal shell.” - Jeremy Clarkson
Complete list (CarThrottle.com)

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