Thursday, January 12, 2017

And It Still Runs Like A Champ After 3 Decades

The Simpsons Finally Reveals What Kind Of Car Homer Drives

For 28 long years, our nation has lived under a dank, heavy cloak of ignorance. Very recently, this cloak has been lifted, and the light of true knowledge shines upon us, burning our sallow, indoors-only skin. This knowledge is that we finally have official confirmation as to what kind of car Homer Simpson drives.

But, now we know, it’s a 1986 Plymouth Junkerolla. This means the car was made three years before The Simpsons actually went on the air, which seems plausible enough. If we accept that the Junkerolla (possibly Junkerola?) was a heretofore unknown Plymouth model, and look at what else Plymouth was making at the time, I think we can get a better sense of what sort of car Homer drives.


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