Monday, January 2, 2017

A Small Insight Into Why He's So Successful

• [Adam] Gase on the influence of Nick Saban on his life: 

I always liked the way that he handled players, but also how organized he was, how everything was done so meticulously … there was a regimen every day. You just knew what to expect. You knew what was coming, and it was a grind, it wasn’t tough, it wasn’t easy, but there was a purpose behind everything. He had a great process, and I gravitated towards that. I’ve seen him have fun. When we had signing day, that night, you would always see a big old smile. He knew that chapter had ended and he would always take the staff out, which was always a fun night for all of us because we didn’t have a lot of time to hang out as a staff, and that was the one time the whole group would go and get to talk and BS a little bit.


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