Think about this for a moment: Why would you ever choose to be with someone who is not excited to be with you?
There’s a grey area in dating many people get hung up on — a grey area
where feelings are ambiguous or one person has stronger feelings than
the other. This grey area causes real, tangible issues. As a man, a huge
question is often whether to be persistent and continue pursuing a
woman even when she seems lukewarm or hot/cold on your advances. For
women, a common question is what to do with men who make their feelings
Frustration with this grey area also drives many people to
unnecessary manipulation, drama and game-playing. This is where you get
rules about making men pay for this many dates before you can become
intimate. Or how men need to transition from attraction phase to comfort
phase by qualifying three times before they’re allowed to commence an
escalation ladder.
These things may seem clever and exciting to some people who are stuck or frustrated. But this dating advice misses the point. If you’re in the grey area to begin with, you’ve already lost.
Let me ask again: Why would you ever be excited to be with someone
who is not excited to be with you? If they’re not happy with you now,
what makes you think they’ll be happy to be with you later? Why do you
make an effort to convince someone to date you when they make no effort
to convince you?
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