Monday, July 31, 2017

Some Interesting Government Financial Aid

In Germany, when a kid becomes an adult at age 18, it can get rid of all its debt by offering its debtors everthing its owns at that point. The young adult is relieved from all other debts they can’t pay back so that no young adult has to face a life in debt for things they did as teenager.


Point Made


This Is A Great Ad


This Would Be Worth The Investment

Junkyard Gem: 1985 Volkswagen GTI


Some Hallowed Golf Records

10 Most Unbreakable PGA Records

1. Most Major Championship Victories - Jack Nicklaus (18)

In a world where the general philosophy seems to be "championship or bust", Nicklaus is the king. With 18 majors, he leads Tiger Woods by four, and Phil Mickelson by 13. The only players who seem to have a chance, outside of a resurgence by Woods, are Rory McIlroy and Jordan Spieth who have four and two respectively. While those two are still very young, especially Spieth, Nicklaus' record seems like it won't be touched for years, if ever.

6. Most Consecutive Tournaments Without A Missed Cut - Tiger Woods (142)

This is the Dimaggio-hit-record of golf streaks. Woods made the cut in every PGA tournament he entered from February of 1998 to May of 2005. This Herculean effort speaks to the dominance Woods showed over that era and has zero chance of being broken.

Complete list (

Friday, July 28, 2017


How Fabrication Was Done & Is Still Done Today

This Is Why Old Race Cars Rock

The exaggerated aero, the crazy widening, the simply huge rear wheels and tires – this thing could have came out of a manga

You can picture mechanics at Impul building this with cigarettes dangling from their mouths, and maybe a glass of shochu not too far away, you know, for a bit of manly inspiration.


A Lot Of People Would Agree To This


The Cost Of A Bucket List Wish

How much would it cost to follow F1 for a season?

All in all we've got a rough figure of £54,400 (approx $72,000)  for the season. Obviously prices will vary considerably depending on preferences but the conclusion is fairly obvious that you need a big chunk of spare cash to do so.  


You Ain't The Only With Problems, Snowflake


A Grand Tour, Indeed

Amazon's Grand Tour Has Already Racked Up An $11 Million Profit

Though Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May have morphed into more of entertainers by now, they are still automotive journalists at heart and journalism is not a field to get into when looking to make fistfuls of cash. According to AOL UK, that’s not exactly the case for these three.

It seems that the journalists/entertainers, have managed to rial up the same chemistry that made the BBC’s Top Gear such a smashing success for Amazon’s cameras and attract a hefty audience. By the end of the first season, Amazon managed to pull in £8 million ($11 million) in pretax profit. Once the government got its fair share of the deal, the company took home $8.75 million in profits. One the one hand, that may not sound like a justifiable amount after hearing how much money Amazon invested in the show—take the $250 million invested into the three year contract for 36 episodes as an example or even the grandiose opening scene of the first episode that cost the network $3 million.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

A Well Executed Creation


They See Me Rollin' - Mazda RX7 Edition


They See Me Rollin' - Subaru Impreza Edition


Did You Know - BBQ Pitmasters Equipment Edition

Why Do Barbecue Pitmasters Wear Black Gloves?

[B]arbecue cooks prefer to use nitrile gloves (made out of synthetic rubber) instead of the latex or vinyl ones, for a wide variety of reasons. They’re a lot tougher than latex or vinyl, can be worn for a long time, don’t contain any powders, and are tested for durability by the FDA. Nitrile gloves tend to come in two colors, blue and black, so the wearer can immediately see if there’s a puncture. Most people associate blue gloves with dentists and surgeons, so black becomes the obvious choice. Also, unlike latex and vinyl gloves, nitrile gloves come in varying thicknesses. Many pitmasters choose to go for the heavy-duty ones, like these, which are more resistant to heat and sharp things like knives, bones, and cartilage.


You Have The Time, You Choose Not To Make The Time

Don’t spend your entire life loudly declaring to others that you don’t have the time, money, energy or resources to accomplish the things you actually want.

Everything worthwhile in life takes time. Any attempt to escape the process can backfire. Epictetus says “No greater thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.”

People who get ahead in life find a way around their limitations, instead of just keeping them. You can go only go as far as your mindset allows you.

Lexus Needs To Stop Chasing Some Ghosts

Lexus Aims High With The LC F - Will MATCH Performance Of Nissan GT-R Nismo and Mercedes-AMG GT.

Japanese website Best Car Web says that the LC F will look to match the performance of Nissan’s most-potent GT-R variant but also offer the luxury and refinement you’d expect from a car like the BMW M6 and Mercedes-AMG GT. If true, Lexus will have its work cut out in the coming 12 months or so. 


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

A Well Executed Meal For The Squad


They See Me Rollin' - Skyline GTR Edition


Where The True Power Lies


It's Not Just A Hobby, It's A Lifestyle


Did You Know - Qualcomm Edition

Qualcomm’s kind of a big deal

It is the largest supplier of semiconductors to the mobile phone market, commanding a 50% share.

Apple? Also kind of a big deal. By purchasing chips for the iPhone, it drives a quarter of Qualcomm’s $24 billion in revenue.

But a MAJOR disagreement over Qualcomm’s licensing practices has this marriage seeking counsel.

Put simply, Qualcomm’s massive hold on the semiconductor market has allowed it to charge Apple to use its intellectual property, plus a 5% royalty on every iPhone it sells (almost $980 billion worth since 2007…).

And this licensing-plus-royalty bundle has generated 80% of Qualcomm’s pretax profits, which sends the message to Apple: “hey, if you like our technology, then you’ve gotta pay for the right to use it.”


It's Kinda Worth It

New, never-sold 2006 Mitsubishi Evo draws $100K bid on eBay

Today, in the "OK, guess it must be worth that to somebody" department, we note that a California car dealer has an eBay listing for a 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, still brand new and never titled, with nine miles on the odometer. Just another day on eBay, right, and just another car that didn't sell, was hoarded, or somehow forgotten in a barn? Not exactly. The top bid as of Wednesday morning was $100,100.

For whatever reason, this 2006 car has time-traveled to 2017, with seats still wrapped in plastic and an engine bay you could perform surgery in. It's an Evo IX MR in Graphite Gray with black trim. Base MSRP was a bit more than $35K. It's optioned with the MR package that includes some aluminum and carbon-fiber bits and boost-gauge kit, the Zero Lift aero kit, and it has a six-speed manual. Bottom line on the sticker was $37,094.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

This News Does Not Surprise Me

German Car Companies Have Run A Secret Cartel Since The 90s: Report

According to Der Spiegel, Volkswagen reported in a filing to German authorities that every major German car manufacturer has been involved in the agreements—VW, Audi, Porsche, BMW and Daimler.

Politico had a rundown of the magazine’s findings, and you’re going to be stunned to find what’s tied into all of this:
The working groups even set the stage for the Dieselgate scandal, Der Spiegel reported. The companies agreed on the size of tanks containing AdBlue fluid, which reduces exhaust emissions — but the tanks proved too small to do the job so manipulation became the only way to keep emissions readings low, the magazine said.
Der Spiegel reports that antitrust authorities in the nation had been investigating VW for possible collusion of steel prices. While that probe was underway, evidence of potential illegal collusion in the auto industry emerged. How about that.


Some Well Executed Creations


Something To Ponder


Just A Reminder


There's Some Truth To This


Cars In Movies Are The New Race On Sunday, Sell On Monday

Why the Ferrari Enzo Ferrari debuted in Charlie’s Angels | The Car Stays in the Picture

All of which begs the automotive question we love to ask at The Car Stays in the Picture: How the hell did something like this ever happen?

"It was a combination between us having a very strong connection in Hollywood, and knowing the dealer, Giacomo Mattioli of Ferrari of Beverly Hills, that has always been quite prominent, used by a lot of movie directors," says Marco Mattiacci, the vice president of the Ferrari and Maserati brands in North America at the time. "But one of the things we were doing then was trying to find placements for Maserati. And we had to leverage that appeal of Ferrari."

The Enzo was thus something of a Trojan Prancing Horse, with the re-launch of Maserati USA hiding inside – a carrot leading not a stick, but a trident, or maybe some slightly less familiar vegetable, like broccoli rabe.

"In that movie, there was the Enzo. But there is also a 2002 Maserati Spyder. That was more of the key product placement. We had to place the Maserati," Mattiacci emphasizes. "So at that point, it was for me to go to the importer and convince Maranello to bring this car on set, because the only chance we had to position the Maserati was to give this premiere of the Ferrari Enzo."

Intrigue and deal making aside, how was this executed – a multi-stop tour for a top-secret production prototype that originated in Italy, jetted to California, and then returned to Europe in time for a reveal in France? Ferrari supercars are among the most desirable scoop in all of autodom, rivaled in the entertainment industry only by the insatiably misogynistic demand for catty gossip from the set of a female-driven hit franchise. Placing the two together on a public beach must have created a paparazzi feeding frenzy akin to a sharknado touching down in a tilapia farm.

"We had to guarantee the importer confidentiality so no photos could be shot of the car. The car was still was one of the demos, or pre-production cars. So we took all the kind of precautions to not have the car viewable," Mattiacci says, modestly. "We brought the car there during the night, the crew did an amazing job."


Monday, July 24, 2017

How To Become A Millionare


This News Is Not Surprising

This One Money Mistake Most Millennials Are Making Will Lose Them Millions Over A Lifetime

The one big mistake: not taking advantage of the stock market by investing while we are young, when our  money has time to grow.

Via The Washington Post:
Fearing the market, millennials are putting their money in savings accounts. And the potential loss of future earnings is huge, like $3.3 million huge, according to new analysis by NerdWallet.
The online site says it looked at 40 years of market returns and interest rates. Using that data, they factored in how much a 25-year-old earning $40,456 saving 15 percent of this income could amass, assuming the market does what it’s done.
Sixty-three percent of 18- to 34-year-olds surveyed are saving for retirement in a savings account, a strategy that could lose them millions over the course of the 40-year period. Millennials fear the volatility of the stock market, but research shows that even if someone invested only over the 10-year period, the numbers still come out in favor of the stock market by a wide margin.


This Unfortunately True


Home (Left) Vs Work (Right)?


You Can Blame The Cayenne & Macan For This

Ferrari SUV, due in 2021, won’t have visible rear doors 

The Italian brand continues to deny the existence of Ferrari SUV, but reports say it's coming in 2021 with hidden rear doors 

The long-rumoured Ferrari SUV is still on the cards, according to auto analyst Max Warburton, who claims the future model is being called an FUV (Ferrari Utility Vehicle) and does not have visible rear doors.

While Ferrari continues to be evasive on the topic, a more practical model has huge potential for the Italian brand, given the trend for high-riding vehicles and the popularity of ultra-luxury SUVs worldwide, and particularly in the growing Chinese market.

Competitors Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce and Aston Martin are already far into development of their respective SUVs, while Bentley’s Bentayga accounts for a significant portion of its sales.


This Supercar Is Aging Well

As the iconic Ferrari F40 turns 30, a look back at its development

The F40 is easily one of the greatest Ferraris ever produced: It was one of the first road cars to have a top speed of 200 mph, it celebrated the company's 40th anniversary, and it was the very last model that founder Enzo Ferrari was able to see to completion. To celebrate this historic car's anniversary, Ferrari collected some anecdotes from people who worked on the F40 project, and they reveal some interesting details about the car's development.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

A Well Executed Meal




No Question, The BMW E30 M3


A Thought To Ponder

If everything is too good, you’re probably stuck not being awesome.

Don’t join an “easy” crowd. You won’t grow.

Many people are so comfortable they’re miserable.

Breaking a habit, trying something new, taking a risk, making new connections, or putting yourself in a totally new situation won’t be easy, but it’s worth it. It’s exhausting but rewarding.

If you’re truly pushing yourself to improve — in any capacity whatsoever — you are uncomfortable.

When you are challenged, you are asked to become more than you were. That means creating new perspectives, acquiring new skills and pushing boundaries.

Life Well Illustrated


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Game Changer


A Crisis That You Should Be Aware Of


Bacon demand is up and pig counts are down.

Summer is the time of year to get that bacon sizzlin’, but recent BLT frenzies have driven pork stock piles to their lowest point since 1957—and it’s showing.

Wholesalers are feeling the 71% upswing in prices, while grocers are forking over 21% more per pound.

Why the gap? Believe it or not, most retailers don’t want to scare customers away with rising prices. So, if they have to eat some of the cost for you to eat more bacon it just might be worth it.

But, there is one tactic to hedge against this pork squeeze: lock in contract rates with Hog Futures.

Yup, that’s a real thing.


If You Think About It


Think About It


Did You Know - Headphones Edition

If you are buying headphones/speakers, test them with Bohemian Rhapsody. It has the complete set of highs and lows in instruments and vocals.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A Well Executed Meal


The Engineering Marvels Of Highway Designs


Something To Ponder

What you want is power, freedom, accomplishment, and happiness.

A purchase cannot do that. What you do not have cannot do that.

Everything you need is within your brain and your soul and it’s your job to figure out how to bring it about.

What you have, your health, your family, your friendships, and my favorite thing, your potential, shouldn’t just be appreciated but rejoiced. You should be ecstatic about what you have. You should write it down every day and realize that focusing on what you don’t have is a rabbit hole that will never end.

When you make it a habit of desiring things and stuff that aren’t already yours, you won’t break that habit. It doesn’t matter how much you acquire or how much you end up owning, it will always end up owning you.

Change. Now. Be unlike the minions who see and buy and build up debt. Know what’s important in life, it’s actually quite simple.


What Do You Mind?


A Well Executed Meal


Monday, July 17, 2017

A Great Bumper Sticker


The Mis - Leading World Of Sales Numbers

You call this a slump? 

Sales fall, but shift to more profitable mix

Total sales have fallen for six consecutive months, but the market is nowhere near as gloomy as that sounds. Retail sales have slipped less than 1 percent from a year ago, with the slowdown largely a product of reductions in less-profitable fleet deliveries.

And for many automakers, especially the Detroit 3, the fact that consumers are snapping up high-margin SUVs and crossovers instead of less-expensive sedans has been a boon to their bottom lines. U.S. light-truck sales rose 4.7 percent in the first half, setting records in every month except April and heading toward a total for the year of more than 11 million, after hitting 10 million for the first time in 2016.

Industrywide, transaction prices are up 1.5 percent this year to $34,442 before incentives.

Compact crossovers and SUVs sell for nearly $8,000 more than compact cars, KBB said, while midsize crossovers and SUVs transact at about $12,500 more than their sedan counterparts. Automakers would much rather let consumers gravitate toward the costlier vehicles than try to draw them to slower-selling cars with big discounts.


Head These Words


You Control You

[T]he real truth—and the one lesson this whole book is based on—is that there is only one person responsible for the quality of the life you live.

That person is you.

If you want to be successful, you have to take 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in your life. This includes the level of your achievements, the results you produce, the quality of your relationships, the state of your health and physical fitness, your income, your debts, your feelings—everything!


Absolutely True

There Is No Overnight Success

Success is not something that happens in an instant, no matter the nature. You may hear tales of overnight successes from time to time, but you’re not getting the whole story. What you’re really seeing is somebody seizing an opportunity thanks to the years of hard work and preparation they’ve put in.

Don’t get discouraged when your work doesn’t pay off immediately. That’s not the way the world operates. After all, even a success as small as a fig, a fruit you can devour in a matter of seconds, requires time, growth, and milestones that must be met along the way. Set milestones for your own goals and stay the course—blossom, bear fruit, then let it ripen.
